
China vows to boost IPR protection

Editor's note: China's intellectual property rights protection (IPR) system is improving and the country has made further efforts to protect IPR in 2010.

The government launched a six-month campaign to fight piracy in December this year. Related industries, companies and more consumers in China are also taking action against piracy to protect software rights.

China is the fifth in the world in terms of number of international patent applications. The nation's effort in IPR protection is also recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization. 

China vows to boost IPR protection

Improved IPR protection New


China vows to boost IPR protection

China will strengthen its protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs), in a bid to improve the nation's capacity for innovation, said senior figures from six ministries and administrations.

Officials from the six bodies, which include the Ministry of Commerce, the State Intellectual Property Office and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, jointly pledged at a news conference on the sidelines of the National People's Congress on Sunday to strengthen efforts to combat IPR infringements and to make IPR protection a "long-term" national task. [Full story]

3,000 people arrested for IPR violation since Nov

China investigated 56,000 trademark rights infringement cases in 2010, an increase of 9.78 percent year on year, an official said on Sunday.

During the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010), a total of 265,000 cases concerning trademark violations had been investigated, an annual average of 53,000 cases, said Fu Shuangjian, vice director of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce. [Full story]

Massive surge in patent filing

China's international patent filings surged more than 56 percent last year, leading the global growth in international filings, the Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced.

The growth rate from China was "astonishing", WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said at a news conference on Wednesday. [Full story]

China vows to boost IPR protection

Patent law revision: More power to collect evidence

Parties in a patent dispute can now seek help from the authorities to collect evidence, according to a revised regulation of the patent law issued by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO).

Evidence collection has long been a major concern in maintaining rights in court, especially in cases of intellectual property infringement.

The new regulation that will take effect on Feb 1 stipulates that parties in disputes can ask local patent administrations to investigate and collect evidence if adversaries cannot acquire the needed information themselves due to "objective reasons". [Full story]

IPR efforts redoubled

The Chinese government is "willing to actively increase" cooperation with the United States on intellectual property rights (IPR) and the nation will take a "responsible" attitude in advancing IPR protection "in the long term", said the vice-minister of commerce. [Full story]
China vows to boost IPR protection

Supervision boosted to protect intellectual property 

The central government is making greater efforts in fighting violations of intellectual property rights by establishing a weekly updating system with more timely reports from law enforcement authorities, an official said on Wednesday.

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce urged local bureaus to report weekly progress in cracking down on copyright infringement, Chen Wentong, deputy director of the administration's trademark office, said at a national conference in Suzhou of East China's Jiangsu province. [Full story]

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China vows to boost IPR protection

China's Huawei sues Motorola for IPR breach

Huawei Technologies, on Monday asked a US District Court to prevent Motorola from illegally transferring Huawei's intellectual property (IP) to Nokia Siemens Networks ("NSN"), officials of Huawei told Xinhua in Sydney, Australia on Tuesday.

As a leading player in providing next generation telecommunications network solutions, Huawei took this action as NSN seeks to complete its $1.2 billion acquisition of Motorola's wireless network business. [Full story]

Download website faces shutdown

Many Chinese netizens began complaining on Monday after discovering free download links for their favorite music were suddenly no longer available on a popular online site.

Verycd.com, a leading Chinese website offering free movie and music downloads - most deemed unauthorized - on Saturday removed all of its music download links and posted a note saying the move was done "to meet copyright owners' requests". [Full story]

China vows to boost IPR protection

Pioneers emerge in honoring film rights on Web

When a new movie reaches cinemas, audiences in China have two choices - they can see it there or wait for the film to become available on the Internet.
Many video websites in China skirt copyrights by showing pirated versions of recent films. A large number of Internet users choose to watch newly released films on these websites. [Full story]

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China vows to boost IPR protection 

China vows to boost IPR protection

More Chinese PC consumers do not trust pirated software: Survey

Nearly 70 percent of consumers in China feel that the use of pirated software is not as safe as genuine software, according to a Microsoft report on consumer attitudes towards pirated programs. [Full Story]

Examiners go on site for company consultation

The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) began stationing examiners at company offices in the Zhongguancun area in Beijing in late August to help with documentation for patent applications. [Full Story]

China vows to boost IPR protection

High-tech patent fuels better car performance

With a vast number of advanced vehicles on the road and stricter controls on emissions in China, demand for better quality gasoline has skyrocketed. [Full Story] 

Copyright expo to browse digital music debate

China International Digital Music Festival will be held as part of the third China International Copyright Expo on November 20.

The event is expected to help the digital music market become more fair and healthy, Li Heng, president of the Beijing International Copyright Trade Center, said at a news conference last week.Promoting fairness in the digital music market and enhancing copyright awareness among users will help the industry achieve sound development, said Li. [Full Story]

China vows to boost IPR protection

China vows to boost IPR protection

Fu Shuangjian (right), vice-minister of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, talks about trademark management during an inspection of Silk Street, a popular market in Beijing. [Photo / Provided to China Daily]

More than 4,000 arrested during copyright raids  New

More than 4,000 people have been arrested for violating intellectual property rights (IPR) since last October as tougher punishments will be enforced to combat the "rampant" problem, a senior government official said on Tuesday.

Gao Feng, deputy director of the economic crimes investigation bureau at the Ministry of Public Security, told a news conference that his agency had uncovered more than 2,000 cases since China launched a six-month campaign to boost enforcement of intellectual property rights protection in October. [Full story]

Trademark awards part of push to go global

The nation's first International Golden Trademark Awards are scheduled to be handed out next year in Chengdu as industry regulators continue to encourage homegrown products to move onto the world market.

Part of the China Trademark Festival, the awards will be presented in the name of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Fu Shuangjian, vice-minister of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), told China Daily in an exclusive interview. [Full story]

IP enforcement operation welcomed

An industry-based coalition said it warmly welcomed China's six-month nationwide intellectual property (IP) enforcement operation between October 2010 and March 2011.

It suggested that the government should communicate more about the issue, and allow foreign investors wider access to information related to intellectual property rights (IPR) issues. [Full story]


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China vows to boost IPR protection

Flip side of IPR protection
China vows to boost IPR protection
Champions of intellectual property rights (IPR) say it is the driving force of economic growth and technological innovation. China has made its legislators perfect IPR laws ever since it decided to embrace market economy, and asked its law-enforcement agencies to ensure that they are properly implemented and protected. The country's increasing foreign trade has further strengthened this demand, and the government and judicial authorities have made great efforts to perfect the IPR system.
China has enacted and implemented a series of laws and regulations on IPR protection and issued the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2008. Its judicial authorities at various levels continue to crack down on people and companies violating IPR. On the whole, the country has made considerable progress both in legislation and enforcement of IPR laws. [Full story]

IPR progress remarkable 

Progress in technology and economic development would be unimaginable without the legislation now in place

During the past three decades, China has made great progress in many fields, of which intellectual property rights (IPR) legislation is one. As a participator in, and witness to this progress, I think the process deserves our attention and approval. [Full story]

Reflections on intellectual property


China vows to boost IPR protection
The protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) has been on the complaints list of foreign companies investing in China for a long time. But their recent criticism of the investment environment and fake products in China has prompted the Chinese government to take measures to further curb IPR infringements.
Technology innovation is an engine for industrial development. An IPR holder can recoup its research cost through the sale of its IPR products, and with legal protection will have exclusive possession of the IPR product market.
Over the years, China has made great efforts and achieved considerable progress in improving the legal environment for IPR protection. [Full story    


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