
Business / Green Living

Poor lead battery recycling raises fears

[2013-12-12 02:00]

The government should improve policies and formulate measures to better regulate the network for recycling lead-acid storage batteries, a major source of lead pollution, according to a policy research report released in Beijing on Wednesday.

More emission controls urged

[2013-12-10 00:38]

"Emissions from motor vehicles contribute a significant part to air pollution, sometimes as high as 50 percent," said an official.

China fishes for ecological solutions

[2013-12-08 15:32]

Chu Chenglong, 56, started fish farming when he was young and never imagined that one day he would not be able to continue the business.

Shanghai lowers air quality benchmark to reduce alerts

[2013-12-06 00:38]

The Shanghai environmental authority announced on Thursday that it has adjusted its air pollution standards to reduce the number of alerts, adding that they will still be frequent in winter.

Pollution to linger in central and eastern areas

[2013-12-04 20:32]

Smog and haze affecting Central and East China won't clear before Dec 8, the Environmental Protection Ministry said on Dec 4.

Teaming up against polluters

[2013-12-04 00:30]

To boost their power to punish polluters, environmental authorities and police will improve their cooperation in combating environmental crimes, a senior official said on Tuesday.

US to share lessons with China on pollution reduction

[2013-12-03 10:24]

US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy said Monday the United States could share its experience with China in how to reduce air pollution.

Looking to clear the air

[2013-12-02 07:24]

If you mention air pollution in Baiyin, the locals are always happy to relate a famous local story. In the 1990s, a man spent his entire month's salary on a Phoenix bike, one of the most popular brands in China at the time. After riding his new pride and joy to work, the man locked his bike and left it outside the factory. A little later, a rainstorm hit the area. At the end of his shift, when the man went to fetch his new bike, he was unable to find it because the high acid content in the rain had dissolved the paint on the frame, leaving his new bike looking as pitted and worn as all the others in the rack.

China's largest desert freshwater lake shrinking

[2013-11-29 10:47]

Hongjiannao Lake, China's largest desert freshwater lake, has been shrinking sharply over the past 13 years, warned local meteorological authorities.

Beijing destroys barbecue grills to battle air pollution

[2013-11-26 20:55]

Over 500 illegal barbecue grills in Beijing were destroyed on Tuesday amid the city's efforts to fight air pollution and lingering foggy weather.

28 Chinese cities, regions to promote green cars

[2013-11-26 15:05]

Twenty-eight Chinese cities and city clusters that will promote the use of new energy vehicles were announced on Tuesday.

Experts doubt smog linked to low birthrate

[2013-11-26 01:36]

Public health experts have raised doubts over claims air pollution can cause infertility, citing a lack of research to support the link.

Tackling air pollution is a joint venture

[2013-11-22 09:01]

European and Asian countries should strengthen cooperation on environmental protection policies and technologies in order to overcome the common challenge of air pollution occurring as a result of economic and industrial development, said a senior Foreign Ministry official.

China city's waste heat cuts pollution

[2013-11-20 22:08]

For those already choking on air in north China, the central heating season could mean more wheezy days in the coming months.

Turn off your car, please

[2013-11-20 19:05]

Beijing legislators on Wednesday called on drivers to shut off their car engines whenever they are stopped longer than three minutes.

China reports rise in key air pollutants

[2013-11-19 21:03]

Density of key air pollutants PM2.5 and PM10 shot up in China by 46.2% and 39.6% respectively in October, the environmental watchdog announced on Tuesday.

Toilet paper wedding dress to advocate low carbon lifestyle

[2013-11-18 16:38]

Twenty-five models wearing 3-meter-long wedding dresses made entirely of toilet paper participate in a show.

Urbanization takes toll on China's wetlands

[2013-11-13 20:50]

Ten percent of China's wetlands have vanished over the past decade as urban development has advanced.

Ecological red line to be drawn for better protection

[2013-11-13 17:43]

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has vowed to establish a sound system to protect the country's ecological environment, according to the communique issued after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

Cleaner skies good for business

[2013-11-13 07:18]

Governments and companies are increasingly taking advantage of the unscathed ecological environment in their regions to lure investment amid concerns pollution is taking its toll on health.
