

CHINA / National

Beijing unveils new policies for Taiwan
Updated: 2006-04-15 19:55

The two-day-long cross-Strait Economic and Trade Forum concluded in Beijing on Saturday with a beneficial policy package and Joint Proposals.

Chen Yunlin, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made a speech at the closing ceremony of the forum, saying that the Joint Proposals set forth by the forum was the wisdom product of the compatriots from both sides of the Strait and reflected their common aspiration. "We will give priority to the Joint Proposals and make strenuous efforts to realize the proposals into reality"

Chen Yunlin, director of the Taiwan Works Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, announces a new package of policies to promote cross-Straits trade at the closing ceremony of the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum in Beijing April 15, 2006. [Xinhua]

Wu Poh-hsiung, vice chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT), or the Nationalist Party, at the closing ceremony that "on the basis of the '1992 consensus,' the institutionalized exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan should be resumed."
The "1992 consensus" says that both sides across the Taiwan Straits accept the "one-China principle," but with their own interpretations.

He also hoped that the the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities could realize the people's interests and aspiration and accept the agreement reached on the forum as soon as possible.

Lin Feng-cheng, deputy board chairman of the Kuomintang's Policy Foundation said the Joint Proposals, based on participants' heated discussion, pointed a detailed prospect for the cross-Strait economy and trade development and deserved us to make great efforts to realize them.

Chen announced the Chinese mainland's 15 new beneficial policies for promoting economic and trade relations across the Taiwan Strait at the closing ceremony.

The beneficial policy package is comprised of three sets of policies directly stipulated by the State Council and 12 others formulated by relevant central government departments.

The three sets of State Council policies included to add four species in a list of Taiwan-grown fruits, which currently have 18 species, for Taiwan exporters; to adopt a zero-tax on imports of 11 kinds of vegetables produced by Taiwan farmers and to allow more imports of Taiwan's aquatic products, with zero-tax on some of the products, and allow Taiwan fishing boats to enjoy equal policies as their mainland counterparts for selling their own products.

Under the other new policies, the Chinese mainland will recognize university diplomas issued in Taiwan.

The mainland will issue the Method on the Management of Mainland Residents to Visit Taiwan Area. The Ministry of Public Security adds Shenyang, Dalian and Chengdu cities to issue valid passes for Taiwan visitors to enter the mainland, in addition to the existing five cities of Haikou, Sanya, Xiamen, Fuzhou, and Shanghai.

Special clinics will be established for Taiwan visitors in some mainland cities. Doctors working in these clinics could come either from the mainland or from Taiwan, but they have to acquire official approval by the relevant mainland authorities.

Taiwan investors will be allowed to set up joint venture hospitals in the mainland with local partners, while Taiwan investors could hold as much as 70 percent of the stake.

Taiwan compatriots will be allowed to get license for medical practice in the mainland, after they pass official examinations. They are permitted to work in the mainland for a period of one year, but the term could be extended by relevant mainland authorities, once it expires.

The two-day-long forum gave positive evaluation on the endeavor for promoting cross-Strait economy jointly made by the CPC and KMT during the past year and raised Joint Proposals to nail down how to implement the negotiation results by the CPC and KMT leaders and how to deepen the cross-Strait economic exchange and cooperation in future.

Li Bingcai, deputy director of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, announced the Joint Proposals, which included seven aspects.

The most eye-catching ones include asking Taiwan authorities to allow the financial institutions from the Chinese mainland to set up branch offices in Taiwan; continuing to push forward the cross-Strait direct transport; removing obstacles in cross-Strait economy and trade and building cross-Strait common market.

For promoting the direct transport across the Taiwan Strait, the two sides across the Strait are urged to follow the example of "Macao Talks" which found resolutions for the Spring Festival charter flights across the Strait in 2005, according to the Joint Proposals.

Jia Qinglin, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) Party honorary chairman Lien Chan attended the closing ceremony Saturday afternoon.

The two-day-long forum, at the joint sponsorship of a research center of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee and a research fund of the KMT, focused on cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges and opening direct transport links.


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