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Hu calls for joint efforts to further China-US ties

[ 2006-04-21 10:17 ]

WASHINGTON -- Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao said on Thursday that China and the United States should make joint efforts to advance bilateral constructive and cooperative relations.

Hu made the remarks when meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House.

U.S. President George W. Bush applauds Chinese President Hu Jintao during a welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House April 20, 2006. Bush and Hu will discuss trade, currency, Iran and Taiwan during their meeting today, but analysts say the White House meeting is unlikely to yield any significant agreements. [Reuters]

The two leaders exchanged in-depth views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern, and reached important consensus during the pragmatic and constructive talks.

Speaking highly of the momentum of development bilateral relations are going through, Hu said the important consensus reached between the two heads of state during their meetings last year in New York and Beijing is being implemented.

The two countries have made new progress in bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and the two sides have maintained effective consultations and coordination on major international and regional issues, noted Hu.

He said Sino-U.S. relations have progressed beyond bilateral relationship and have had more and more global influence and strategic significance.

China and the United States have extensive and important common strategic interests in and shoulder common responsibilities for safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, he said.

Hu said China and the United States are not only mutual stake-holders, but should also be constructive cooperators, stressing that both sides should make joint efforts to comprehensively advance bilateral constructive and cooperative relations.

Bush shared Hu's view on bilateral relations, saying both countries have expanded their areas of cooperation, and China, a great country with remarkably increasing international status, is a key partner in safeguarding world peace and is playing an increasingly important role in this regard.

Hu said China and the United States have common strategic interests in opposing and containing "Taiwan independence" and safeguarding peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

He voiced his appreciation for statements repeatedly made by President Bush and the U.S. government on their adherence to the one-China policy, abidance of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and opposition to "Taiwan independence."

Hu said China holds that the one-China principle is the basis for maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and improving and developing cross-Strait relations.

China will, with utmost sincerity and endeavor, strive for a peaceful national reunification and will never tolerate "Taiwan independence," stressed the Chinese president.

Bush said the U.S. government's position on the Taiwan question has not changed and the United States will stick to the one-China policy, understands China's concern on this issue and does not want to see unilateral actions taken by the Taiwan authorities in their bid to change the status quo across the strait hurt U.S.-China relations.

Both sides agreed that under the current international situation, China and the United States have extensive common strategic interests and broad prospects for reciprocal cooperation.

They agreed that a sound bilateral relationship is of strategic significance for safeguarding and promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

They agreed to take bilateral relationship from a strategic height and long-term perspective and comprehensively advance bilateral constructive and cooperative relations in the 21st century so as to benefit the two peoples and other peoples around the world.

They agreed to jointly push forward their reciprocal and win-win economic and trade relations, and properly resolve existing differences and frictions through equal consultations while taking into consideration the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples.

They also agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in a variety of fields, such as the military, law-enforcement, science and technology, education, culture and youth affairs, and continue to conduct dialogues and cooperation on major issues such as anti-terrorism, non-proliferation, bird flu control, energy, environmental protection, disaster relief and maintenance of security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Both sides will continue to push forward the process of the six-party talks on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and endeavor to help settle the Iranian nuclear issue diplomatically.

The two heads of state met with journalists and answered their questions after their talks.

Hu arrived here on Wednesday from the U.S. port city of Seattle to continue his four-day state visit to the United States as Bush's guest.

This is Hu's first state visit to the United States and Seattle is the first stop of his U.S. trip.

After his trip to the United States finishes on Friday, Hu will head for Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Nigeria and Kenya to continue his visit.