

China considers boosting China-Africa friendship a strategic decision

Updated: 2006-10-24 08:50

BEIJING - Boosting China-Africa friendship and all-round cooperation is a long-term and strategic decision China has made, Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan said here Monday.

"It is a natural choice for the two sides in pursuit of common development and prosperity," Tang made the remarks in an exclusive interview to Xinhua.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of diplomatic relations between New China and African countries. Tang said despite the long distance between China and Africa, their friendly exchanges have had a long history.

The founding of New China in 1949 ushered in a new era in China-Africa relations. In May 1956, China and Egypt established ambassadorial diplomatic relations, inaugurating China's diplomatic relations with Africa.

Since then, many African countries have established diplomatic relations with China as they gained independence. China now has diplomatic ties with 48 African countries.

"Over the past fifty years, the Chinese and African peoples have shared weal and woe, sympathized with and supported each other," Tang said.

Tang said China stood firmly with the African people and provided them with moral support and material assistance in their strenuous struggle to overthrow colonial rule and gain national liberation.

After African countries won independence, China has continued to support them in upholding sovereignty, safeguarding independence and promoting economic development.

"By doing so, China has contributed to Africa's political stability and socio-economic development," Tang said.