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China Daily Website

Bo Xilai expelled from CPC, public office

Updated: 2012-09-28 18:13
( Xinhua)

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided at the meeting to expel Bo from the Party in accordance with the Party Constitution and CPC intra-party supervisory disciplinary regulations. The Party sanctions will be endorsed by the 7th plenary meeting of the 17th CPC Central Committee, which will be held ahead of the Party's 18th National Congress set to convene on November 8.

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee has also decided to remove Bo from public office in accordance with the country's Law on Public Servants and to transfer Bo's suspected law violations and relevant evidence to judicial organs for handling.

The CPC Central Committee stressed that the investigation and handling of Bo's severe discipline violations further shows the CPC's basic requirement of being strict with Party members, its governance concept of governing the country in accordance with the law and its distinct position and resolution to fight corruption.

The CPC Central Committee said the entire Party must fully realize the perennial, complex and arduous nature of the anti-corruption fight and give fighting corruption and building a clean government a more prominent place on its agenda so as to wage a resolute battle against corruption, leaving no room for corrupt figures to hide within the Party.

Party organizations at various levels must use Bo's case as a negative example to enhance cadre education, management and supervision, maintain strict Party discipline, improve the Party's working style, speed up the building of the system for punishing and preventing corruption, and constantly enhance the Party's capabilities of self-purification, self-improvement and self-innovation - all in a bid to maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity.

The CPC Central Committee called for strengthened nurturing of the Party spirit so that leading Party officials can develop appropriate views toward the world and power.

Party officials were told to consciously abide by Party disciplines, always keep pace with the CPC Central Committee, earnestly implement democratic centralism and voluntarily accept supervision from Party organizations and the people.

They were told to strictly carry out the Party's cadre promotion policy and guidelines, and rectify unhealthy tendencies in selecting officials.

They were urged to boost their awareness of the law and absolutely safeguard the dignity and sanctity of the law.

The CPC Central Committee also urged adherence to running the Party strictly and persistence in punishing and preventing corruption.

Cases involving disciplinary and law violations should be severely dealt with, it said, vowing no mercy for corrupt figures no matter who is involved or how great his or her power is.

The CPC Central Committee called on the Party, the country and people of all ethnic groups to closely unite around the CPC Central Committee led by General Secretary Hu Jintao and hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, under the guidance of the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of the Three Represents.

It urged deeply implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and unswervingly advancing along the socialist path with Chinese characteristics, so as to make new achievements in anti-corruption campaigns and the construction of a clean Party and government, strive for the overall building of a well-off society and create new progress for the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.


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