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China Daily Website

World No Tobacco Day

2013-05-30 20:55

By (chinadaily.com.cn)

World No Tobacco Day 

Editor's note: World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on May 31, to remind people worldwide of the dangers of smoking, with the ultimate goal of making tobacco retreat from our daily lives. "Ban tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion," is the theme of this year's World No Tobacco Day. Despite the many efforts China put into tobacco control, it is still a challenge because of the strong tobacco industry that stands in the way.
Hot topics: tobacco academician, smoking ban, tobacco industry, Tobacco Control Program

Tobacco epidemic: The statistics on the official website of WHO shows that the tobacco epidemic kills 6 million people each year: more than 5 million users and ex-users and more than 600,000 nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke.

World No Tobacco DayAfter high blood pressure, tobacco use is the biggest contributor to the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases. No consumer product kills as many people and as needlessly as does tobacco.

World No Tobacco Day 

World No Tobacco Day

Government offices eliminate smoking

Nearly 200 government departments, government-affiliated institutions and State-owned companies in Beijing have started a campaign to eliminate smoking in their buildings. >>

Ban on tobacco firms' donations urged

The Chinese Association on Tobacco Control has suggested the Ministry of Civil Affairs ban charitable donations by tobacco companies in the coming Charity Law. Charitable donations have been the main form of sponsorships by tobacco companies. >>

Forbidden City forbids smoking

The curator of Beijing's Palace Museum, announced tough measures against smoking in the home to generations of Chinese emperors spanning five centuries. >>

Academy vows no more tobacco science members

The Chinese Academy of Engineering announced that it will no longer recruit any tobacco scientists more than one year after the recruitment of a tobacco expert stirred strong controversy. >>

World No Tobacco Day

Comprehensive ban on tobacco ads

World No Tobacco Day

Yang Gonghuan, deputy head of the Chinese Association for Tobacco Control (CATC), a non-profit social organization, proposed a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertisements, as she believes they have penetrated charities and social media.  >>

Vision for tobacco control

It is easy for an actor who smokes in a movie or in a tobacco advertisement to entice impressionable young people to start smoking. However, it is very difficult for smokers to cultivate the awareness and the willpower to quit once they become addicted.>>

Revise Tobacco Control Program

The Tobacco Control Program (2012-15), published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and seven other government ministries and departments, should make better use of the increase in tobacco tax. >>

World No Tobacco Day 

World No Tobacco Day

Tobacco companies go online for ad space

Tobacco companies  have reduced their ads in traditional media and are looking to step up their presence on the Internet, because legal loopholes allow promoters to bypass existing ad law. >>

Tobacco proposed as earthquake relief

The earthquake-hit Yunnan province's application for an increased quota on cigarette production to boost tobacco tax and help with disaster relief has ignited public criticism.>>

World No Tobacco Day

Challenges remain for smoking ban

Efforts to implement a smoke-free environment in Chinese universities and colleges are improving, but challenges still remain. >>

Funding for tobacco control 'inadequate'

Annual government funding for tobacco control is just several hundred thousand yuan for each province on the Chinese mainland, far below what's needed and much less than the amounts provided in other countries, anti-smoking experts said. >> 

World No Tobacco Day 
 World No Tobacco Day World No Tobacco Day  World No Tobacco Day 
World No Tobacco Day  World No Tobacco Day  World No Tobacco Day 

