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Lost iPhone leads to special China-US friendship

By Ma Chi (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-03-18 18:56

Lost iPhone leads to special China-US friendship

Brother Orange welcomed Stopera to visit China on his Sina Weibo account.[Photo/Weibo.com] 

On his Weibo account, Bro Orange invited Stopera to visit his hometown and taste Hakka cuisine, and Stopera replied him on his newly opened Weibo account with Chinese Web users serving as translators.

The two then went on to set up a meeting in China on March 18.

To welcome his American friend, Bro Orange hung up a banner and learned English.

At the end of the romantic story, Matt Stopera arrived in China to meet Bro Orange on Tuesday.

Chinese Web users hailed the special friendship between the two. As one netizen put it: "T he distance between them, international borders and even language will not pose an obstacle to their bromance."

Meizhou is a city some 370 kilometers from Shenzhen, where Taiwan's manufacturer Foxconn makes the iPhone.

Related: Meet Bro Orange!

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