

Veteran actors bring a Russian comedy to life

By Chen Nan ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-11-18 08:30:42

Veteran actors bring a Russian comedy to life

The Chinese play Office Romance is directed by Kuzin Aleksandr Sergeevich. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/China Daily]

"Since Feng played the female leading role in it, we had lots of discussion about the work and it also started our long collaboration.

"There is an unspeakable understanding between us onstage."

To give Office Romance the authenticity of a Russian play, Russian theatrical director Kuzin Aleksandr Sergeevich and stage designer Danilov Kirill Anatolevich were invited to participate in the drama.

Sergeevich, 63, a former actor, who was awarded the People's Artist of Russia-the highest title given to performing artists in Russia-says that this is the first time he is working in China and he hopes to create both nostalgia and give a fresh experience to the audiences.

"The script is more than 40 years old but I think it still applies to our contemporary scene. In an office, do you really know your colleagues? Can you open up yourself and become friends with colleagues?" says the director, who has been teaching at Yaroslavl State Theatrical Institute since 1975. "In the drama, we talk about loneliness, about relationships between people and about finding love."

Sergeevich, who has a keen interest in traditional Chinese opera and Chinese philosophy, says that despite a language barrier, he has developed a "third language" during the rehearsals, such as body language, eye contact and even silent tacit understanding.

"They are very professional actors and they interpret the roles accurately," he says. "Since I was an actor, I also know how to get the roles across to them. Sometimes we laugh, shout and jump in the rehearsal room."

Both Han and Feng-veteran actors who have won national drama acting awards-agree that working with Sergeevich takes them back to the days when they first became actors.

"Back then, Chinese theatrical schools and companies admired Russian literary works, music, ballet and paintings. Even acting was taught using the Stanislavsky method," says Han.

"We play the roles out of respect for the classical Russian works," says Feng.

If you go

7:30 pm, Dec 11-13. Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Street, Dongcheng district, Beijing. 400-228-228.

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