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Int'l community aids China's SARS-control
( 2003-05-15 11:04 ) (8 )

Large amounts of international assistance have been pouring in to aid China's heroic fight against the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic.

By Monday, assistance from foreign governments had reached about 31.03 million US dollars, according to information provided by China's foreign ministry Wednesday.

Aid from international organizations and non-governmental organizations in various forms have also reached high levels.

Following is a breakdown of governmental assistance:

Through its embassy in China, the government of the United States donated 500,000 US dollars of funds to the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) for the purchase of medical appliances.

The Japanese government announced on April 28 the donation of 205 million yen worth of medical appliances and medicines. On May 9, it announced an additional aid of 1.5 billion yen worth of medical materials.

The German government provided about 10 million euros (about 11. 4 million US dollars) in grants for the purchase of medical appliances.

The British government decided to provide about 5 million US dollars of aid through the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

The government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) donated 100,000 US dollars to China's Ministry of Civil Affairs. The ROK's embassy in China also donated 4,900 US dollars to Beijing Municipality.

The Indian government and military donated 400,000 rupees ( about 8,400 US dollars) worth of SARS-fighting medical materials.

The embassy of Sudan donated 100,000 yuan of funds.

Australia will donate 1.2 million Australian dollars to the World Health Organization to help SARS-control in the west Pacific area, including China.

Appropriations from international organizations:

The World Bank has approved a plan to convert the 20 million US dollars of financial aid to China's western development into financial aid for SARS control in China's western areas.

The Asian Development Bank provided 2 million US dollars of grants.

The United Nations Development Program extended 50,000 US dollars of loans intended for public information management in Beijing's SARS-control work.

Non-governmental donations, which had reached about 2.6 million US dollars by Monday:

Japan: Japanese companies, including Itochu Trading Co. and Toyota, donated large amounts of funds and medical materials.

ROK: ROK companies, including Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd and LG, donated cars, funds and electronic products.

The United States: US companies, including the Beijing office of Pfizer and health-care product company Sunnylife, donated gauze masks and health care products.

US Donations also included medical materials donated by Chinese people living in San Francisco and Chinese scholars in Columbia University

Germany: Siemens presented China 17 breathing machines and 200 mobile phones worth 7 million yuan, and Badische Anilin & Soda- Fabrik donated 100,000 yuan to China.

Sweden: Ericsson donated mobile communication equipment for hospital emergency dealing worth 1.2 million yuan.

Denmark: Maersk shipping Co. donated 1 million yuan to China's Ministry of Health. It also expressed the desire to provide other assistance.

Spain: The Chamber of Commerce of Overseas Chinese in Spain donated 260,000 yuan.

Finland: Nokia donated 190 mobile phones valued at 250,000 yuan.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched research on SARS jointly with the Chinese CDC, especially on the examination methods of the coronavirus.

The Columbia University's School of Public Health has sent two professors to Beijing to attend a Sino-US seminar on SARS.

Prof. David Ho, director and CEO of the New York-based Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, was invited by Minister of Science and Technology Xu Guanhua to Beijing for SARS prevention.

The Japanese government has sent a medical team to help Chinese fight against SARS, made up of two doctors, an official with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and an official from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, said in his letter to Chinese President Hu Jintao that the Commission would like to provide assistance for China to fight against SARS. Int'l community aids China's SARS-control (4)

Fidel Castro Ruz, President of Council of State of Cuba, said Cuba would like to send a medical team to China.

Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase offered China medical equipment during his visit to China.

Margherita Boniver, Italian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, said Italy would like to join hands with China to improve local medical equipment, train medical workers and prevent and treat SARS in western China.

Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health and Consumption told the Chinese Embassy in Spain that Spain would like to cooperate with China to fight against SARS.

Russian Ministry of Health told the Chinese Embassy in Russia that Russia hopes to obtain the virus causing SARS from China and improve the cooperation in diagnosing and treating the disease as well as developing relevant medicines with China.

Bangladesh and Pakistan both expressed their concern and support for China to fight against SARS and are willing to offer assistance. China has given them the list of medical equipment that is in great need.

A Peruvian institute of traditional medicine introduced two herbal medicines, for increasing the immunity of human beings, to the Chinese Embassy in Peru.

An institute on radiology in St. Petersburg of Russia offered the Chinese Consulate General in the city an anti-SARS medicine, saying that it is willing to provide some medicines for trial use in China for free.

The Holland-based medical company Primagen told the Chinese Embassy in Holland that it is willing to offer China its technology to test for SARS-related chlamydia for free. 



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