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Updated: 2003-08-08 01:00

Schwarzenegger to Run for Governor
施瓦辛格棄影從政 “終結者”志在加州州長

The Terminator has a dream -- he wants to be the "Governator" of California and follow in the footsteps of another Hollywood hero who gave up acting for a greater stage -- Ronald Reagan.

Action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger unexpectedly threw himself into the race for California governor on August 6 in a show-stopping announcement that heralded a spectacular campaign.

The surprise decision by one of the screen's biggest stars followed weeks of speculation about whether he would try to terminate the career of California governor Gray Davis in a historic recall vote.

The Austrian-born actor, 56, who became a U.S. citizen in 1983, has been toying for years with the idea of flexing his muscles at the ballot box instead of the box office.

But after blowing hot and cold for weeks, aides had expected the star to bow to the concerns of his wife about the effect on their four children and stay out of the October gubernatorial race.

He might have spent years playing a futuristic robot in the "Terminator" blockbusters, but Schwarzenegger has shown himself to be politically astute off screen, building a strong profile within the Republican Party and garnering grass-roots support through his work for the Special Olympics and other sports programs.

In 2000, he considered, but decided against, making a run for California governor. Three years on, Schwarzenegger has more name recognition, more personal wealth -- million alone for the latest "Terminator" installment -- and more charisma than any of the other candidates.

Thirty years ago, the 6 ft-2 ins body-builder came to America looking for fame and fortune in the movies, hampered by an unpronounceable name and a thick accent.

Success was hard to come by initially and he focused on body-building, winning seven Mr Olympia titles and earning himself the nickname "the Austrian Oak."

He eventually graduated to the title role in "Conan the Barbarian" in 1982 and later the 1984 sci-fi action move "The Terminator" which made him into a superstar.

His marriage to one of the (Democratic) Kennedy clan -- TV journalist Maria Shriver -- looked for a while as if it might hamper his political ambitions.

Shriver was reported to be worried about the effects of a time-consuming and high-profile political campaign -- let alone a possible win -- on their four young children, but also told Schwarzenegger she would support him whatever his decision.

"Yes, she's a Democrat," said Schwarzenegger "and this is the first time she's going to vote for a Republican."














“是的,她是民主黨人,但是這將是她第一次為共和黨人投票。” 施瓦辛格說。

Show-stopping: 特別受歡迎的
Throw oneself into: 投身于,積極從事
Flex one's muscles: 顯示或炫耀某人的力量
Blow hot and cold: 搖擺不定;朝三暮四
Let alone: 更不用說


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