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USA Strikes Afghanistan

Carpet Bomb 地毯式轟炸: U.S. planes carpet-bombed Taliban front lines north of Kabul on Wednesday and attacked the Muslim militia's powerbase of Kandahar in southeast Afghanistan, hitting a clinic.

Pullback 撤軍: Palestinians said the pullback should be carried out unconditionally, and the United States kept up its pressure to end the operation, which is Israel's most intensive in 13 months of fighting.

Pound 猛烈轟炸: U.S. airstrikes pound Afghan homes.

Cyberterrorism 網絡恐怖主義: President forms Cyberterrorism panel.

Anthrax 炭疽: Anthrax in Florida, which US Attorney General John Ashcroft said was being treated "very seriously," amid concerns over a possible bioterrorist attack.

military buildup 軍事集結 : The United States has sent some 1,000 soldiers to Uzbekistan as part of its biggest military buildup since the 1991 Gulf War.

terrorist mastermind 恐怖大亨: The country's ruling Taliban militia declared the assault a ``terrorist attack'' and said alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Momammed Omar had survived.

pay a price 付出代價 : "Now the Taliban will pay a price," Bush vowed.

hit targets 攻擊目標:U.S. and British forces hit targets in at least three cities.

launch strikes 發動進攻:U.S. and Britain has launched Afghan strikes.

warplane, military aircraft 軍用飛機:
Missiles and warplanes streaked through the Afghan night and rocked at least three cities in a U.S.-British attack on Osama bin Laden and his Taliban backers Sunday.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said an initial goal of the strikes was to render air defenses ineffective and to wipe out the Taliban's military aircraft.

cruise missiles 巡航導彈:Pentagon officials said the United States and Britain launched 50 cruise missiles against targets inside Afghanistan in an attack that also involved the most sophisticated U.S. warplanes.

military capabilities 軍事能力:President Bush gave a live televised address after the strikes began, saying U.S. and British forces were taking ``targeted actions'' against Taliban military capabilities and al-Qaida.

hand over 交出:In the days following the strikes at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the president had issued a series of demands for the Taliban to hand over bin Laden.

fortification 防御工事:The head of an Afghan opposition group office in Iran said more than 200 U.S. and British missiles hit Afghanistan and ``devastated'' Taliban's fortifications in Kandahar, Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif.

infidel 異教徒:Later, Taliban Deputy Defense Minister Mullah Noor Ali said ''the people of Afghanistan will resist. They will never accept the rule of infidels.''

jihad 圣戰(伊斯蘭教徒對異教徒的戰爭):The influential and Taliban-sympathetic Afghan Defense Council, based in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore, issued a call for "jihad,'' or holy war.

air base 空軍基地:Shortly before the U.S. strikes began, the Taliban had said they had sent thousands of troops to the border with Uzbekistan, whose president has allowed U.S. troops use of an air base for the anti-terrorism campaign.

stronghold 要塞據點:But the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar - already a shabby city of rocket-gouged streets and bullet-scarred homes.

refueling stop 補給站:The first was a punishing attack on the airport, which was built by the United States as a refueling stop between Europe and India before the long-haul Boeing 747s were introduced.

on condition of anonymity 匿名:The assault on the southern Afghan city came in at least three waves, according to Taliban sources who spoke to The Associated Press by telephone on condition of anonymity.

armada 艦隊:Forty U.S. and British warplanes and an armada of warships and submarines pummeled strongholds of the al-Qaida network and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

firepower 火力:The demonstration of Western firepower was the first wave of an anti-terrorism campaign promised after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

cargo planes 運輸機:U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo planes flying from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, were dropping food and medical supplies inside Afghanistan as part of President Bush 's effort to aid displaced civilians.

carrier 航空母艦:A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said later that Navy F/A-18 and F-14 fighters flew missions off two U.S. carriers in the Arabian Sea, and that no land-based Air Force strike planes other than bombers were used in the first round of attacks.

blitz 閃電戰(尤指空襲):Britain joined U.S.-led attacks on Afghanistan, using submarines to launch a cruise missile blitz against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban protectors.

Tomahawk 戰斧式巡航導彈:The naval task forces include warships capable of firing Tomahawk cruise missiles, which were last used in Afghanistan in 1998 against bin Laden training camps in a failed bid to kill the exiled Saudi-born millionaire and his lieutenants.

Tomcat 美國航母F-14野貓戰斗機:Two US Navy airmen were killed when their F-14 "Tomcat" aircraft crashed the day before yesterday during a landing manoeuvre at an air show at Willow Grove US Naval Air Station, an annual event attended by 200,000 people, a Navy spokeswoman said.

neutral country 中立國:The Taliban insisted they would not be bullied into handing over bin Laden, but said he could be given to a neutral country if Washington provided evidence linking him to last month's suicide plane attacks.

air raid 空襲:The air raids have sparked an exodus of people from cities -- many heading toward Pakistan with belongings piled hastily onto donkeys and camels.

strip the citizenship 取消國籍:Kuwait decided Sunday to strip the citizenship of the spokesman who appeared in the tapes, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, a former Kuwaiti teacher.

all-out attack 全面進攻:The United States and its partners have been urging the opposition to avoid launching an all-out attack on Kabul until a broad-based government can be formed to replace the Taliban.

extremist 極端分子:On Sunday, thousands of Muslim extremists converged on the city of Jacobabad, site of one of two airfields that Pakistani officials privately say the Americans have been allowed to use to support the campaign, though not to launch attacks on Afghanistan.

shrapnel 流霰彈:He said a bomb or missile had exploded nearby and shrapnel landed on his house.

commando 突擊隊:Taliban's troops hit as allies plan for commando raids.

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