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Updated: 2004-10-14 10:11
Iraqi actors struggle for culture to overcome fear

戰(zhàn)后文化事業(yè)舉步維艱 伊拉克演員為文化而戰(zhàn)

Iraqi actors struggle for culture to overcome fear

Two iraqi actors are perfoming a drama named "They Pass by Here", which describes the tyranny, love and peace before and after the war.

Iraqi actors hoped the fall of Saddam Hussein would herald a new era of artistic freedom. But they have seen their dreams destroyed by violence.

With Baghdad racked by bomb attacks, a wave of kidnappings and widespread crime, few Iraqis bother going to the theater.

"We have lost security and safety. The audience is mentally exhausted," said actor Khalil Ibrahim. "How could they bear to watch a play for two or three hours?"

In the looting and chaos that followed the overthrow of Saddam in April last year, the National Theater in Baghdad was ransacked. Actors would gather outside what was left of the building to pick up their meager salaries.

"We sat on the street waiting for our salaries. The National Theater building was looted and burned," said Qasim al-Sayid, 38. "It was a tragedy."

Seventeen months later, things have only gotten worse. Actors and actresses gather each Sunday and Wednesday at the theater to show they are still present in Baghdad, a condition of the money they receive from the state.

With the interim government struggling to quell a deadly insurgency and to rebuild the economy, there is little time and money to be spared for culture.

"The government was obliged to put other priorities on its list," said Alla Hussein, 25, an actress and a student of theater at Baghdad's College of Fine Arts. "Art came last on that list. Actors and actresses were the first to stop working, and they will be the last to resume their activities."

Culture Minister Mofeed al-Jazaeri knows very well that his ministry is not seen as a priority, and is asking for foreign aid to help fund the revival of cultural activity.

"Electricity is more important than a book. Clean water is more important than a play. Security is more important than the cinema," he said. "It seems that culture is not considered on the priority list. That is why we are seeking the help of international organizations to compensate for what we lack."

Baghdad's streets are dangerous at night. Few Iraqis like to stay out too late after dark -- there is the risk of kidnapping or robbery, of being caught in the crossfire during battles between guerrillas and U.S.-led forces.

"People are afraid," Sayid said. "The security situation is bad."

Many Iraqis fear that theaters could be targeted by insurgents trying to sow chaos in the country. 
















ransack: to search carefully for plunder; pillage(洗劫,仔細(xì)搜查以進(jìn)行搶劫)

meager: insufficient;little(貧乏的、不足的)

quell: to put down forcibly; suppress (用武力平息、鎮(zhèn)壓)

crossfire: lines of fire from two or more positions crossing each other at a single point (交叉火力、困境)

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