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    Wen seeks better Sino-Mauritian ties

2005-01-25 06:19

Premier Wen Jiabao and his Mauritian counterpart Paul Raymond Berenger vowed here yesterday to further relations between the two countries.

"The Sino-Mauritian relationship is a new type of partnership based on mutual trust, reciprocity and overall co-operation. It is in the fundamental interests of the two countries to enhance the relationship," said Wen.

He expressed hope that the two countries can enhance mutual support in international affairs to safeguard the interests of the developing countries and expand co-operation in economic, trade and other sectors.

Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean. Wen said that China would like to co-operate with Mauritius and other countries on disaster early warning and prevention.

He expressed his appreciation of Mauritius' adherence to the one-China policy.

Referring to the Sino-African relationship, Wen noted that China and African countries have supported each other in political affairs while conducting fruitful economic co-operation.

He added that China has reduced and exempted the debts of some African countries, and begun to give tariff-free treatment to some goods imported from the most underdeveloped African countries beginning in January of this year.

He said that China would like to enhance co-operation with African countries and try to promote the international community's concern about the development of Africa.

Berenger said that Mauritius adheres to the one-China policy and China's reunification cause, and would like to further co-operate with China.

He expressed gratitude to China for its help to Mauritius and other African countries.

After talks, Wen and Berenger appeared at a signing ceremony for the agreements on economic and trade co-operation.

(China Daily 01/25/2005 page2)


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