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1月24日,美國反墮胎者在凜冽的冷風中走上華盛頓街頭游行抗議,聲稱共和黨大選的獲勝為他們32年來致力于推翻“羅訴韋德案”決議的斗爭注入了新的動力。外電報道如下:Abortion protesters marched though chilly Washington on Monday emboldened by Republican election gains they said gave new momentum to their 32-year fight to overturn Roe v. Wade. President Bush told them by phone, "This movement will not fail."

Protest leaders said stronger Republican majorities in both houses of Congress and Bush's re-election reflect the public's support for more restrictions on abortion. Chief Justice William Rehnquist's battle with thyroid cancer injected a sense of urgency into this year's demonstrations, nearly guaranteeing one retirement on the high court during Bush's second term.

For his part, Bush played cheerleader in chief at a rally before the march, telling tens of thousands of anti-abortion protesters on the Ellipse that their approach to the debate this year would "change hearts and minds" of those still favoring abortion rights.

"This is the path of the culture of life that we seek for our country," Bush said by phone from Camp David, Md.





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