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Trade policy toward Japan unchanged
Updated: 2005-04-22 19:09

Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai, said recently that China's trade policy to Japan is unchanged and the Chinese government holds an positive attitude toward enforcing China-Japan economic and trade cooperation.

Bo said in an interview with local press that in the era of economic globalization, developing economic and trade cooperation is the internal needs of China and Japan, which benefits the fundamental interests of the two sides.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao proposed three principles in March on the relations with Japan: taking history as a mirror and looking forward into the future; Japan should adhere to the one- China principle; cooperation should be strengthened to pursue common development.

Bo quoted Wen as saying that the friendly cooperation between China and Japan has great potential, especially in economy and trade. He said that Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi also said that China's economic growth is not a threat, but rather an opportunity.

He said the two prime ministers' attitudes demonstrated the two governments' will of improving economic and trade cooperation.

"But mutual-beneficial economic cooperation also needs the political foundation of mutual respect," he said.

He said the Chinese people suffered greatly during Japan's invasion to China. "This basic fact cannot be covered and changed. "

Bo said Chinese President Hu Jintao always emphasized that China should treat neighbors kindly and take neighbors as partners.

"As long as Japan views history correctly and properly handles the problems in bilateral relations, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Japan will have a good future," he said.

Bo recalled former Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, who in 1995 expressed deep remorse and heartfelt apology for the damage and sufferings caused by the Japanese colonial rule and aggression to the Chinese and Asian people. The then Japanese Prime Minister also said that Japan will modestly look at this indisputable historic facts.

Bo said if Japanese politicians can treat history issues properly with Murayama's attitude and be true to their words, the economic and trade cooperation will definitely have broad space of development.

China's economic opening-up has greatly boosted China's economic growth and this policy will remain 100 years without change, Bo said, quotng late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.

He said China cherishes the current favorable situation and will continue to seek common development with countries around the world. "Of course, the aspiration for common development also covers the sincere cooperation with Japan's business circle."

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