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A look behind the disease: meningitis
Cynthia Kirk 


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I'm Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Health Report.

Meningitis is an infection of the fluid that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. Most cases are caused by a virus or bacteria.

Medical experts say people with viral meningitis generally get better within about ten days. Bacterial meningitis is rare and more serious. It may cause brain damage, hearing loss or, in some cases, death.

Tests on a small amount of fluid taken from the spinal cord can show if the infection is viral or bacterial. Bacterial meningitis can be treated with antibiotic drugs. Experts say it is important to begin treatment as early as possible.

Common signs of meningitis include high body temperature, headache and neck pain. Also, people may be sleepy and not able to think clearly. Newborn babies with meningitis may not eat; they may have little energy or cry continually. Meningitis can also cause vomiting and seizures in both children and adults.

Meningitis can spread when a person coughs or sneezes. And it can spread through kissing. Crowded living conditions may also increase the spread of meningitis. Signs of the disease usually appear within two to ten days of infection.

Around the world, different kinds of bacteria cause different forms of meningitis. The highest infection rates are in southern Africa in countries including Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia and Niger. These countries are part of what is known as the "African meningitis belt," from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.

The last major outbreak of meningitis in Africa was in 1996 and 1997. The World Health Organization had reports of more than 250,000 cases. More than 20,000 people died.

Reports last month said a meningitis outbreak in Ethiopia had killed at least 40 people and infected more than 400. Health officials organized a campaign to vaccinate people against the disease.

Vaccines can protect against some of the most common bacteria that cause meningitis. In 2003, researchers developed a vaccine against a new strain. This form of meningitis killed at least 1500 people in Burkina Faso in 2002.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Cynthia Kirk. Our reports are online at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Gwen Outen.


meningitis: inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord, most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection and characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck.(腦膜炎,腦膜及脊椎膜的炎癥,通常由細菌或病毒感染引起,以高燒、嘔吐、劇烈頭痛及脖子僵硬為特征)

spinal cord: 脊髓

viral: 濾過性毒菌的,濾過性毒菌引起的

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