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Holiday home
By Beijing Weekend ( Beijing Weekend)
Updated: 2004-01-14 13:44

Holiday homeDecember heralds the season to be jolly? And that goes for our homes too!

It's a time when many of us plan to make our homes as Christmassy and cozy as possible.

Get it right and your home will be the best place in the world to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.

Red, green, silver and gold, the typical colours of the holiday season, will soon add a happy atmosphere to your room.

The Christmas tree is the centrepiece of the living room and can be customized according to your own taste.

There are many ways to make it unique.

Use big red ribbons to wrap around the tree. Or hang small bright bow knots on each branch of the tree. Hang the branches with gold paper and put on clusters of small bulbs.

Holiday homeDon't want to buy a new Christmas tree? It doesn't matter. After hanging on beautiful ornaments, any big green plant can double as a Christmas tree. Dolls, toys, colourful balls and stars in the corner will add to the holiday atmosphere.

Even your furniture can be jollied up for the festive season. Revamp cushions and tables with shining bright colours and cover the bed and sofa with red cloth.

Feeling romantic? Flowers and candles are the order of the day. Candles with colourful stripes and a fragrance are quite popular these days. Bright coloured pictures and a thick carpet are other keys to building a warm atmosphere.

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