
More rejection for Michael's would-be baby Mama

(E! Online)
2007-05-03 09:54
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More rejection for Michael's would-be baby Mama

More Rejection for Michael's Would-Be Baby Mama(E! Online)

Los Angeles (E! Online) - The self-proclaimed mother of Michael Jackson's children is down, but not entirely out.

A Los Angeles judge Wednesday rejected Nona Paris Lola Jackson's latest bit to insert herself into the custody arrangement between Jackson and ex-wife Debbie Rowe.

But the judge did not dismiss the woman, giving her until Aug. 1 to get her legal act together, and letting her try again, per a local wire report.

Attorneys for Michael Jackson and Rowe did not return calls for comment. Michael Jackson's rep previously branded Nona Jackson's case "ludicrous."

The Jackson known as Nona is seeking...Well, she's seeking quite a bit, including Neverland Ranch, child support and shared custody of Michael Jackson's three children, Prince, 10, Paris, 9, and Prince II, better known as the balcony-dangled Blanket, 5.

Rowe, who was married to Michael Jackson from 1996-99, is regarded by the world, save Nona Jackson's corner of it, to be the birth mother of the two oldest children; the parentage of Blanket has never been precisely determined, or at least announced.

Nona Jackson, a "black Jew born in Britain," per her own court papers, launched her challenge last October. She claimed that she and Michael Jackson were a "sexually active couple," and that as a result of all that activity she had given birth to the singer's brood.

The woman's first bid to alter the Michael Jackson-Rowe custody deal was rejected last November, and for the same reason it was rejected Wednesday: Because she didn't follow the rules. Per the judge, Nona Jackson hasn't shown the court that she's properly notified Michael Jackson and Rowe of her filing. Also, there's the matter of her motherhood claim: She hasn't proved that, either.

Then as now, the London-based Nona Jackson attended the court hearing via speakerphone.

In court documents last month, Nona Jackson explained why she's had such trouble proceeding with her case.

Said the woman, in profound understatement: "I am not a qualified lawyer."
