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Mila Kunis still in touch with marine

Updated: 2012-06-26 14:00
( Agencies)
Mila Kunis still in touch with marine

Mila Kunis is still in touch with the marine she went on a date with last year.

The 'Black Swan' actress accepted an invitation sent by Sgt Scott Moore of the Third Batallion, 2nd Marines to his Marine Corps Ball via YouTube in late 2011, and she admits they continue to speak on the phone occasionally.

She said: "We are still in contact. We email back and forth and spoke on the phone about a month ago!"

The 28-year-old beauty - who has previously stated she does not see herself as attractive despite topping various polls worldwide - believes she continues to keep a good sense of humour about her life thanks to her father Mark.

She added to FOXNews.com: "I was always surrounded by very obnoxious, dry people - my dad included. My dad has the driest sense of humour of anyone I know. When I was little, he made sure that I was going to have a strong backbone, and it developed the sense of humour in me."

Mila moved from Ukraine to Los Angeles at the age of seven, and she recently admitted she cannot compete with how beautiful people are in the Californian city.

She said: "LA is filled with the most beautiful women in the world who all come here to be part of the entertainment industry. It's impossible to compete against that.

"Some women rely on their looks to make it and others know that they need to work hard to not just be treated as a pretty object and have a serious career."
