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China to focus on developing biomass, solar power

2011-08-01 13:28

China's strategic development of new energy resources over the next five years will focus on four sectors -- nuclear, wind, solar and biomass power, Reuter reported Monday, citing the Shanghai Securities News.?

China plans to install 10 million kilowatts (kW)?of solar power generating capacity and 13 million kilowatts of biomass power capacity over the next five years, but has not yet set the capacity target for wind and nuclear power, the newspaper cited unidentified officials.

The biomass sector, which could see the establishment of more than 100 such power plants every year, is growing faster than other forms of new energy because it is the least costly, the article said, citing analysts.

Biomass, a renewable energy source, is biological material from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, gas, and alcohol fuels

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