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  Comprehensive: 全面的,廣泛的
[ 2005-07-28 11:35 ]


7月26日下午,北京奧組委在北京正式宣布,強生公司成為北京2008年奧運會和殘奧會第9個官方合作伙伴。強生公司將為北京2008年奧運會和殘奧會、北京奧組委、中國奧組委以及參加都靈2006年冬奧會和北京2008年奧運會的中國體育代表團提供資金和產品支持。其贊助類別包括急救消費產品、個人健康護理用品、醫療器械和診斷產品以及非處方藥品等。外電中有這樣的報道:World healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson has become the ninth official partner of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

The world's most comprehensive, broad-based health care company Johnson & Johnson will join the Games with the category covering consumer and personal care products, medical and diagnostic products and non-prescription medicines.

Under the agreement, Johnson & Johnson will provide funding and services for the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, BOCOG, the Chinese Olympic Committee, and for Chinese teams in the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games as well as the 2008 Games.

在這篇報道中,comprehensive的意思是“全面的,廣泛的,綜合的”。例如:He has a comprehensive knowledge of medicine.(他有廣泛的醫學知識。)They put forward comprehensive legislation to revise the rules for financing political campaigns.他們提出了全面的法規來修正有關政治活動經費問題的規定。

另外comprehensive 還可以指“(具有不同能力的學生)同一校的,綜合的”。例如:comprehensive school,就是“綜合學校”的意思。
