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  wildcard: 外卡
[ 2005-12-12 11:08 ]


請看報道中的這樣一句話:"It has been processing and resulted in a much easier way than I expected," said Zhang, who had to enter the 240,000 US dollars event with a wildcard after playing less than enough games in this season's professional tour.

句中的wildcard照字面來解釋,就是“野外的一張卡”,不過,這樣來解釋讓人太費解。其實,wildcard 是體育比賽中的一個術語,叫做“外卡”,指的是比賽中給予不具參賽資格選手的特殊參賽權。

例如:The wild-card player surprised everyone by winning the championship。(那位外卡選手跌破眾人的眼鏡,贏得了冠軍。)
