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  Donald Duck behind bars
漫長離婚官司 瑞典夫婦爭奪“唐老鴨”
[ 2006-03-27 08:30 ]

Walt Disney cartoon character Donald Duck on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in August 2004. A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple's drawn-out custody battle.

A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple's drawn-out custody battle.

The 58-year-old comic book was part of a collection at a museum in Koeinge, in southern Sweden, run by the couple.

When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book. But in 2004, one of the couple decided to shut down the museum and sold the comic book to a third party, regional daily Hallandsposten reported in its online edition.

As a result, the other spouse reported the comic as stolen to police, and it was confiscated pending a ruling.

If in mint condition, the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to 125000 kronor(16200 dollars, 13,345 euros), according to Swedish news agency TT.

Prosecutor Sonja Seligmann said she would soon rule on the matter.

In the meantime, the comic book remains under lock and key with the Halland police.












behind bars : 坐牢

drawn-out: 拉長的,拉鋸式的

pending: not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation(懸而未決;等待作結論或批準的)

mint: undamaged(未損壞的)

under lock and key: 妥善鎖藏著