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  Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳(精講之四)
[ 2006-03-27 10:03 ]


北京新東方學校聽力口語部單項項目負責人。主管電影聽說、美國口語、聽力理解、求職面試、集訓營等多個項目。有多年的英語聽說教學經驗。留學完成了神經語言學的學習,獲神經語言學執行師資格。很好地結合了大腦科學及其英語學習,實際幫助了眾多同學真正做到了自信開口,自主聽說,深受學員歡迎。個人論壇地址http://bbs.xdf.cn 酷學電影專區。



Neil Armstrong (Astronaut): That's one small step for man, are giant leaps for mankind...

Forrest: I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play ping pong. So I was in the special services, traveling around the country, cheering up all those wounded veterans and showin' how to play ping pong. I was so good that some years later, the army decide that I should be on the All-American Ping Pong Team. I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like that. Somebody said would peace is in our hands. But all I did was play ping pong. When I got home, I was a national celebrity. Famous even than Captain kangaroo.

TV Host: Here he is, Forrest Gump, right here. Forrest Gump, John Lennon.

John: Welcome home.

TV Host: Can you tell us, what was China like?

Forrest: In the land of China. People hardly got nothin'at all.

John: No possessions?

Forrest: And in China, they never go to church.

John: No religion, too.

TV Host: Wow. It's hard to imagine.

John: Well, it's easy if you try, Dick.

Forrest: Some years later, that nice young man from England was on his way home to see his little boy, and was signing some autographs, for no particular reason at all, somebody shot him.


1.That's one small step for man, are giant leaps for mankind...:阿姆斯特朗登月時說的第一句話,標志人類里程碑的這句話意思是指他邁出的這一小步卻是人類的一個巨大飛躍.

2.Captain kangaroo:當時一個非常出名的電視節目,其實這種說法也是在告訴我們當時的年代。在1985年后這個節目就停播了。但這種表達我們也可以借鑒,如果你想說自己很出名,就可以說I am even famous than 后面加一個當時很流行的事物。


阿甘這部電影的精髓在于,用一個智商只有75的低能兒的離奇經歷串起了美國30多年的歷史。從貓王到披頭士,從垮掉一代到嬉皮士,從吸毒講到性解放運動,從人類登月到婦女解放, 從越戰到反戰運動,從中美建交到水門事件,把美國這些年的歷史要事是差不多掀了個底朝天。對于不很了解這些歷史的年輕人無疑是一堂寓教于樂的文化課。而上面這個節選就是最有代表性的一段。開始是阿姆斯特朗的人類第一次月球探險,緊接著是尼克松訪華乒乓外交,最后又是音樂巨匠約翰列農的英倫入侵。實在是不得不佩服作者超乎常人的想象力,將它們和阿甘聯系到一起。如果對約翰列農了解的同學馬上會發現一個細節,就是在采訪時他講的每一句話都是imagine這首歌里的歌詞。而這首歌也讓人們永遠的記住了約翰列農。


Neil Amstrong


Neil Armstrong

Commander of the 1969 Apollo 11 lunar mission, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. An aeronautical pioneer, Armstrong also took part in the first in-space docking of two vehicles. He was the first civilian to enter NASA's astronaut program.


Mao Zetong shook hands with Richard Nixon

Nixon Visits China

Chinese leader Mao Zedong, left, greets United States president Richard Nixon in February 1972. Nixon's visit to China improved relations between the two countries and helped reestablish trade that had ceased two decades earlier.


John Lennon and Yoko Ono

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

British musician John Lennon originally gained fame for his singing and songwriting with the Beatles during the 1960s. After the breakup of the band in 1970, he pursued a solo career, writing and performing songs that advocated peace. He is pictured here with his wife, Japanese conceptual artist Yoko Ono. Together they produced experimental music and conceptual art.

Let It Be
The recording of the Beatles' album Let It Be began in January 1969 and became the Beatles' last album.


Nixon  1969
John Lennon 1940-1980
Armstrong 1972
Beatles 1960-1970