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  Charlize Theron honored at Gay Awards
[ 2006-04-11 11:30 ]

上周六,金像影后查理茲·塞隆獲得第17屆美國同志組織“反誹謗同性戀者聯盟”媒體頒獎“先鋒獎”,她在上臺領獎時說:“如果因為性取向不同,導致每個人不能擁有同等權利,這是不公平的?!? 2003年,塞隆因在影片《女魔頭》中成功塑造了艾蓮·烏爾諾這一連環殺手的女同性戀者形象而榮獲度奧斯卡影后。 2004年,塞隆曾在上電視節目時表示,她和她的男友斯圖爾特·湯森德在同性戀婚姻合法化之前將不會結婚。


Charlize Theron accepts the Vanguard Award at the 17th Annual GLAAD Media Awards on Saturday.

Charlize Theron has been hailed an inspiration forgay and lesbian people in America, scooping a top award in Los Angeles on Saturday night. 

The actress was honoured with the prestigious Vanguard Award at the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's (GLAAD) 17th annual media awards ceremony.

The 30-year-old, who won an Oscar in 2003 for her portrayal of lesbian serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster , was presented the gong for increasing "visibility and understanding in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community".

Last year, Theron promised to postpone her wedding to partner Stuart Townsend until gay and lesbian couples attained the legal right to marry in America.

Theron says: "I feel so fortunate that I am in a relationship with a wonderful man. I find it incredibly unfair that because of our sexual preference, we have the rights that we have, and that, because of someone else's sexual preference, they don't have those same rights."

Other winners on the night included Felicity Huffman's transgender movie Transamerica for outstanding film in limited release, lesbian TV drama The L Word for outstanding drama series and NBC's hit comedy Will & Grace" for best comedy series.



gay: 男同性戀者

lesbian: 女同性戀者

Vanguard Award: 先鋒獎

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation : 反誹謗同性戀者聯盟
