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[ 2006-07-21 11:21 ]

當索尼公司被問到成功之道時,Chairman Akio Morita said, "We never follow. We do what others don't." That's the essence of marketing: going where others don't! 對于找工作的茫茫大眾來說,這一招也是有用的。

Most job-hunters confine themselves to traditional approaches like answering want ads (招聘廣告) and working with recruiters. That's fine, but that's where your competition goes too.

Anyone who tries something new and different--but not idiotic--will have a big advantage. Few job hunters write to career consultants, conference attendees, media people, and venture capitalists. 你也可以試一試。

Listen to the radio, read newspapers and watch television for items in your interest area. The media are in the information business. They are accustomed to trading ideas so don't be afraid to approach them. Write to business people featured in stories. Write to editors. Contact journalists who've written articles. 不要擔心會出丑。送出去這封信你不會少什么,卻有可能收獲一份好工作。

Don't be afraid to "do what others don't." 當然,傻事就不要做了。

(英語點津 Annabel 編輯)







