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Utah teen sets text messaging record
[ 2006-08-01 08:39 ]

Ben Cook, 18, from Utah sets text-messaging record on July 28,2006.
A Utah teen with fingers of fury is once again the speed text-messaging king of the world.

Ben Cook, 18, of Provo, Utah, returned to the top of the cell-phone text-messaging competition last Friday at a water park in Denver, blazing through a 160-character standardized message in 42.22 seconds.

The phrase used for purposes of professional, competition texting is: "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human."

The feat was recorded on video and scored by an official timekeeper, validating it for Guinness World Records purposes, said Sara Spaulding, spokeswoman for event sponsor Jump Mobile.

Text messaging, already popular with teenagers, is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S., jumping from 2.9 billion a month in 2004 to about 7.3 billion a month in December 2005, according to a survey by the CTIA , the wireless industry's trade group.

Cook in 2004 snagged the world record by texting the official phrase in 57.75 seconds, a record that soon fell. Before Cook's feat Friday, the record was held by a 23-year-old woman from Singapore at 43.24 seconds set on June 27, 2004.



這條專門用于比賽的專業短信的全文是:“The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human.”(擁有鋒利牙齒的Serrasalmus 及Pygocentrus屬水虎魚,是世界上最兇猛的淡水魚,但實際上,它們很少攻擊人類。)

大賽贊助商Jump Mobile公司的發言人莎拉·斯伯丁說,比賽全過程有現場錄像,并有官方計時員為選手計時,目的是為《吉尼斯世界紀錄》提供依據。

據無線業行業協會CTIA(Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association)調查,原本在年輕人中十分流行的手機短信,如今在美國越來越普遍。在2004年,每月的短信數量是29億條,而到到2005年12月,單月的短信數量攀升至73億條。





trade group: 行業協會

snag: get by acting quickly and smartly(<快速、漂亮地>奪?。?BR>











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