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Madonna tops world's best body poll
[ 2006-08-02 09:30 ]

對以性感著稱的歌壇大姐麥當娜而言,此次“全球40歲以上身段最佳十名女星”評選結果著實令她榮耀無比。日前,時尚健身雜志Top Sante雜志“40歲以上最佳身段女星”評選新鮮出爐,47歲的麥當娜力壓群芳奪得冠軍,她苗條但不失性感的身材竟然超過了今年42歲的前超模埃莉·麥克弗森。麥當娜于7月30日展開了世界巡回演唱會的歐洲站演出,在演唱會上,麥當娜跨坐在馬鞍上,并在舞臺上空盤旋展現她高超的舞技。


Madonna performs in one of her worldwide 'Confessions Tour' concerts at Wembley Arena in London, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2006. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

Currently writhing around in riding leathers on her UK tour, Madonna has the best body in the world for a woman over 40, according to a new poll. 

The fiercely-honed pop diva - a yoga devotee - beat svelte stars like supermodel Elle Mapherson, Twiggy, Sharon Stone and Oscar-winner Halle Berry to take the top spot in the survey by Top Sante magazine.

Although Madonna, 47, evidently loves flaunting her curves right now in leotards and jodhpurs mostly, she has hinted she would consider going under the knife if her super-firm body ever started to sag.

But the mother-of-two has said she would probably keep it a secret if she ever did have surgery.

"I think about it, like everybody, and I don't rule it out," she has been quoted as saying.

"But I am not going to hold a press conference if I have plastic surgery."

On Sunday Madonna finally kicked off the opening night of the European leg of her world tour.

The queen of pop entertained a crowd of 59,000 at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff with an erotically-charged performance. It was the first time her Confessions tour had been seen outside America and in a stadium.

She said: "It's also our first show in Europe. I'm sick of people sitting down in concerts. It's really boring."

Fans saw her sing from a crucifix and the performance contained provocative dance routines.



pop diva: 流行天后

yoga: 瑜伽

curves: 原意指“曲線、弧線”,此處引申為“體形、身段”

jodhpurs: 馬褲

leotard: (雜技、舞蹈等演員穿的) 緊身連衣褲

go under the knife: 動手術,這里指“to have plastic surgery”(整形手術)

European leg of her world tour: 世界循環演出歐洲站(請注意此處leg的用法,“旅程中的一段航程)

provocative dance routines:一貫的具有挑逗性的舞蹈









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