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愛你不言放棄:(NO)White flag
[ 2006-09-23 13:00 ]

聽歌之前,先來溫習一個早先談過的熱詞 “起步價”。呵呵,溫故而知新,學習效果頂呱呱。 

繼“No angle”之后,英國創作才女Dido于2003年發行第二張個人專輯“Life for Rent”(《漂泊的心》),“White flag”是該專輯中頗受歌迷青睞的主打力作。清新、舒暢、溫柔徹骨,這都是Dido一直以來電子融合流行民謠式的典型風格,較之上張專輯,《Life for Rent》 最大的特點就是“較多的傷感成分”,“White flag”正是這種“韌性傷感”的集中體現。 

“愛你不言放棄”是Dido寫給曾和她論及婚嫁卻又分手的未婚夫的,歌中充滿了對戀人的不舍和抱歉,和“奶茶”那首《后來》頗有異曲同工之妙—— 我知道你認為我不應該依然愛你,我也懂得一切重來只能帶來傷害和毀滅,我更明白一旦你開口說“結束”那會是真的結束…… 我只想告訴你,我答應不會再打擾你的生活,不會再奢想回到從前,我會保持緘默讓你覺得我已離開,只是,我永遠不會投降,不會在我門前打上白旗,我愛你,直到永遠……

詳解  Dido:Thank you
英語論壇 :一起聽Dido

White flag    by Dido

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you
I'll tell you that
But if I didn't say it
Well, I'd still have felt it
Where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess
And destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of "It's over"
Then I'm sure that that makes sense

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door

I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
As I'm sure we will
All that was then
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

  Words and phrases 

1. white flag : 直譯為“白旗”,歌中意為surrender(投降)。在戰爭中,“白旗”可用來指“停戰”、“?;稹被颉皯饠》酵督怠钡男盘?。據記載,世界范圍內,第一次拿白旗作為投降信號始于中國東漢(A.D 25-220)??蓞⒖蠢洌?BR>
A white flag is used as a token of surrender.(白旗被用來作為投降的信號。)

He had to show the white flag at the end of the debate.(辯論到最后他只好認輸。)

相關鏈接 不是“Dido 2”的Jem









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