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“唇裂棄嬰”牽人心 獲美慈善機構幫助
[ 2006-09-23 10:00 ]

唇裂男嬰遭父母遺棄 ”的故事經中國日報網站報道以來,引起社會各界的廣泛關注,其系列報道隨后被新浪、搜狐等各大網站相繼轉載。9月21日,美國“微笑聯盟”慈善機構表示,愿免費為該男嬰提供矯正手術。9月17日,這名只有一個月大的“唇裂棄嬰”被一位老翁偶然發現。9月18日,中國日報網站對這起事件進行了報道。不想,這竟成了不幸嬰兒命運的轉折點——一位名叫珍妮·巴特的美國人,在中國日報網站看到了首頁上“唇裂男嬰”照片后,開始為其奔走。最后,經由南非人阿曼達·德朗熱的熱心聯系,美國非營利性慈善組織“微笑聯盟”向嬰兒伸出了援助之手,并承諾明年將免費為他做矯正手術。

A doctor examines the abandoned baby boy with a cleft palate at a local police station in Shenyang, capital of Northeast China's Liaoning Province. [newsphoto]

A doctor examines the abandoned baby boy with a cleft palate at a local police station in Shenyang, capital of Northeast China's Liaoning Province. [newsphoto]

An abandoned Chinese baby boy with a cleft palate may be given a free operation by an American charity after his plight was highlighted on the China Daily website.

He is just one of scores of youngsters the San Francisco-based Alliance for Smiles (AFS) hopes to help while it is in China.

On September 17, the infant was found under a bridge in Shenyang, the capital of Northeast China's Liaoning Province. The child, thought to be about a month old, was taken to the Shenyang Children's Welfare Institute. 

Several pictures  about the baby were published on the China Daily website earlier this week and seen by someone in the United States.

"My friend Jeannie Butler sent me an email from the US about the baby," said South African Amanda Delange, who has been living in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, for a year, where she has been caring for six orphans.

Delange contacted Jennifer Guerra from AFS, knowing the charity was in China to help children with cleft palates/lips .

Guerra got in touch with Dr Colin C. Wong, leading the current medical team in China. But as Dr Wong had no idea about how to find the boy, he turned to China Daily for help. On September 21, the paper contacted the Shenyang Children's Welfare Institute.

After finding out the baby's age, Dr Wong said it would be risky to do an operation now. But he added: "We will come back next year. Then, if possible, I want to help the boy and do the operation."

He said that this time around, his team will carry out operations on 110 children in Northeast China for free.

The current AFS project, organized with the help of the Shenyang Red Cross Society, focuses on young patients with cleft palates/ lips in Shenyang and other cities in Northeast China, according to Liu Xicheng, vice-president of the Shenyang Red Cross Society.

"Our aim is to provide a free service for children from low-income families and orphans," said Liu.

The medical team has 32 members from around the world including Canada, Australia and America.

In order to help more patients, the local Red Cross started working early last month in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces, added Liu.









  “唇裂棄嬰”牽人心 獲美慈善機構幫助