

[ 2006-10-13 09:42 ]


有人把“1987 年國務院批準唐山市為沿海經濟開放城市”這個句子翻譯成:In 1987, the State Department approved Tangshan city to be a coastal economic open zone. 這里有四個問題:第一,把中國的國務院譯成了美國的國務院;第二,approve ... to be 這種用法不成立;第三,coastal economic open 這三個形容詞的排列不當;第四,zone 這個詞在這里不妥。

后來有人對這個句子進行了重新翻譯,新的譯法是:In 1987, the State Council approved Tangshan being an open city of coastal economy??墒沁@個譯文中仍然存在兩個不妥之處:一是 approve ... being 的用法也不成立;二是 coastal economy 的意思走了樣,“沿海經濟”僅僅相對“內陸經濟”而言,是指具有沿海地區特色的經濟,如捕漁業、深海養殖業、造船業、海洋運輸業等,這與原文意思不符。


In 1987, the State Council approved Tangshan of becoming a coastal city of open economy.(approve ... of becoming這種說法只適合口頭表達,不宜作為正式的書面語言)

In 1987, the State Council approved / endorsed the establishment of Tangshan as a coastal city of open economy.

In 1987, the State Council granted approval / endorsement to Tangshan as a coastal city of open economy.

In 1987, the State Council granted Tangshan the status of a coastal city of open economy.

In 1987, the State Council endorsed the upgrading / elevating of Tangshan to the status of a coastal city of open economy.

In 1987, the State Council approved / endorsed the motion / proposal of turning Tangshan into a coastal city of open economy.

In 1987, the State Council designated / established Tangshan as a coastal city of open economy. (designate 這種表達法最為可取,詞典中就有類似的例句:The town has been designated (as) a development area.)

如果要突出唐山這個地名,還可以用被動語態的形式:Tangshang was designated (as) a coastal city of open economy by the State Council in 1987.


About the author:

丁衡祁,對外經濟貿易大學商務英語系教授,2002 年退休后被對外經濟貿易大學卓越國際學院聘為英語教學研究中心主任。曾任對外經濟貿易大學研究生部主任兼師資培訓中心主任。曾被派往中國駐美國舊金山總領事館任商務領事。曾在中央電視臺主講英語教學節目《奪魁》(Bid for Power)?,F為中國翻譯協會理事,《中國翻譯》雜志編委,中國譯協對外傳播委員會成員,全國翻譯專業資格考試英語專家委員會委員,中國日報網站英語點津“翻譯擂臺賽”特約專家,中國對外翻譯出版公司專家顧問委員會委員,中國進出口銀行英文譯審。




