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求職英語口語測試:PhonePassTM SET
[ 2006-10-25 09:52 ]

PhonePassTM SET考試是通過電話的方式測試受試者口語水平的測試方法。它可以在五到十二分鐘的電話交談中測定出參試者的英語口語實際聽說能力,由智能電腦系統自動評分。計分是根據被測試者在測試期間的電話交談中實際使用的詞匯、以及在所運用的句子和短語中體現出的語速、流利程度及發音情況來評估的。該測試服務和測試結果為美國、加拿大、德國和中國香港政府所接受認可。目前,一些外企已經在招聘考試中采用PhonePassTM SET來測試應聘者的口語能力,比如全球第一大日用品公司寶潔。

為了幫大家熟悉一下PhonePassTM SET考試,我們特將寶潔公司的考試樣卷提供給大家(注:樣卷,非實際考試應用的試卷)。

Thank you for calling Ordinate's testing system.
Please enter your Test Identification Number on the telephone keypad.
Now, please say your name.
Now, please follow the instructions for Parts A through E.

Part A: Reading. Please read the sentences as you are instructed.
1. Traffic is a huge problem in Southern California.
2. The endless city has no coherent mass transit system.
3. Sharing rides was going to be the solution to rush-hour traffic.
4. Most people still want to drive their own cars, though.
5. Larry's next door neighbors are awful.
6. They play loud music all night when he's trying to sleep.
7. If he tells them to stop, they just turn it up louder.
8. He wants to move out of that neighborhood.
9. My aunt recently rescued a dog that was sick.
10. She brought her index and named her Margaret.
11. They weren't sure she was going to live, but now she's healthy.
12. I just wish she could get along better with their cat.

Part B: Repeat. Please repeat each sentence that you hear.
a voice says, "Leave town on the next train."
and you say, "Leave town on the next train."

Part C: Questions. Now, please just give a simple answer to the questions.
a voice says, "Would you get water from a bottle or a newspaper?"
and you say, "a bottle." or "from a bottle."

Part D: Sentence Builds. Now, please rearrange the word groups into a sentence.
a voice says, "was reading" ... "my mother" ... "her favorite magazine"
and you say, "My mother was reading her favorite magazine."

Part E: Open Questions. You will have 20 seconds to answer each of three questions. The questions will be about family life or personal choices. Each question will be spoken twice, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 20 seconds to answer the question. At the end of the 20 seconds, another beep will signal the end of the time you have to answer.

在PhonePassTM SET考試中,有幾點受試者一定要注意:

1. 話筒離嘴巴不能太遠,也不能太低,否則會影響通話效果。

2. 當不知道如何回答問題的時候,應保持沉默或是回答I don't know。

3. 如果話筒的聲音小,請與監考老師聯系,不要隨意拍打話筒。

4. 在考試過程中不可隨意掛斷,否則成績無效。

5. 當聽到Thank you for completing the SMT test的時候,考試就結束了,可以掛斷電話。

(來源:寶潔公司 英語點津 Annabel 編輯)







