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[ 2007-03-02 18:42 ]


澳洲小天后:Born to try(生為拼搏)    朋友說,在找工作那段日子里,只身一人飄在冰冷的城市,每每感到心情沮喪、前途無望,她都要聽一聽這首Born to try(《生為拼搏》)。這支“勵志歌曲”陪她走過了那個漫長的嚴冬,等到冬雪融化,春風一定拂面,春花一定相迎,因為——“守得云開方能見月明,成功屬于不放棄信仰的勇者……”

澳洲荊棘鳥: On a bad day(《悲傷的時候》)   Kasey Chambers總讓我想到傳說中的荊棘鳥,一只棲息于澳大利亞荒蔓枝條間的荊棘鳥。與澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem 相比,Kasey Chambers肯定不是高貴的云雀,她的嗓音不圓潤、甚至不優美,但她的音質卻很獨特——高亢的聲線不加一點修飾,隨性的娃娃音里夾雜著幾顆風沙塵粒,有那么一點點不羈,那么一點點野性……

澳洲荊棘鳥:Pony(《想要一匹馬》)     “Pony”以一個小孩的視角,描繪了只有小女孩才會做的愛情夢:“擁有漂亮的‘小矮馬’、生個可愛的‘小寶寶’、或搖身變為端莊賢惠的‘淑女’”——這都是女孩子托腮做白日夢時對未來的美好期盼,但無論做什么夢,都離不開最真、最癡、最純、最可愛的夢——我那一天會不會成為你的新娘?

野人花園:Truly, madly, deeply(《情深意切 為你瘋狂)》 讀者投稿
Truly,madly,deeply是 Savage Garden在外出巡演時寫給Darren的妻子Colby的歌。這首歌寄托了Darren對妻子最深沉的情感和想念,曲調浪漫優美,歌詞唯美真摯,連聽者也不禁為那份真切的情感而感動。














Truly, madly, deeply        by Savage Garden

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I will be strong
I will be faithful
Because I am counting on a new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning ya

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
That'll make you wanna cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection
Of the highest power and lonely hours
The tears devour you

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

Oh can't you see it baby
Don't have to close your eyes
'cause it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me


情深意切 為你瘋狂



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