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The Queen《女王》(精講之六)
[ 2007-04-27 15:33 ]

文化面面觀  伊麗莎白女王和首相布萊爾在戴安娜王妃葬禮上的致辭

思想火花  "And I salute her courage and her consistency, and I thank her because if it wasn't for her, I most certainly would not be here. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen!"

考考你  乘熱打鐵


Elizabeth: Oh, I do love this time of day. Shall we walk while there's still light? You know the clocks go back next week. It'll be dark before five. I do hope you're a walker.

Tony: I am.

Elizabeth: Good. I always think these meetings have far a greater chance of success if the Prime Minister is a walker. As a matter of fact, it's how I think best, on my feet. I've never been one for sitting around endlessly. A good walk in fresh air sorts everything out. One in four, you said, wanted to get rid of me?

Tony: For about half an hour, but then you came down to London, and all that went away.

Elizabeth: I've never been hated like that before.  

Tony: It must have been difficult.

Elizabeth: Yes. Very. Nowadays, people want glamour and tears, the grand performance. I'm not very good at that. I never have been. I prefer to keep my feelings to myself, and foolishly, I believed that was what people wanted from their Queen - not to make a fuss, nor wear one's heart on one's sleeve. Duty first, self second. That's how I was brought up. That's all I've ever known.

Tony: You were so young when you became Queen.

Elizabeth: Well. Yes. Yes, a girl. But I can see that the world has changed, and one must... modernize?

Tony: Well, perhaps that's where I can help.


1. On one's feet

這是個很容易理解的片語,on one's feet 的意思就是"站著",例如:I'm tired--I've been on my feet all day. 它還可以表示"恢復健康",常與back連用,如:I hope you get back on your feet very soon.

2. Sort out

這是一個動詞短語,意為"evolve; develop; turn out 發展,進展",例如:We'll just have to wait and see how things sort out.
在這個片段中,sort out 意為"to put in order; clarify 使有秩序,澄清,闡明",例如:After I sort things out here, I'll be able to concentrate on your problem.

3. Keep to oneself

這個片語的意思是"Refrain from revealing, to hold (something) as secret or confidential 不外露,保守秘密",例如:He promised to keep the news to himself.

此外,keep to oneself 還表示"獨處,不交際",例如:She kept to herself all morning.

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