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Do you like to get dressed up for parties or formal occasions?
[ 2008-02-20 10:24 ]

Source: www.englishonline.org.cn








Do you like to get dressed up for parties or formal occasions? Have a listen to this podcast to learn a useful expression.


1. If you are dressed to the nines, how are you dressed?

2. What did the number 9 symbolise a few hundred years ago?

3. How much cloth did a tailor need to make a suit?

4. Where is Sabrina going at the weekend?


1. Smartly dressed/ formal clothes.

2. The best or perfection.

3. 9 metres.

4. To a friend's wedding.


Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression dressed to the nines.

Let’s listen to the dialogue.

A: Do you want to see my wedding photos?

B: OK, let's have a look. Wow look at you - dressed to the nines.

A: I know. I hired the suit especially for the wedding.

If you go to a party or perhaps a formal occasion you may go dressed to the nines, or in other words, smartly dressed in formal clothes. Nobody knows exactly where the expression comes from, although a few hundred years ago, 9 symbolised the best or perfection. A theory I quite like though, is that 9 metres of cloth was needed by a tailor to make a suit.

Whatever the meaning, I’ll be dressed to the nines when I go to my friend’s wedding next week.

And that’s it for now – join us again for some more Language Snacks. You’ve been listening to English Online – the podcast for English learners in China.


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