




 銘記歷史 警示未來


1. 全黨全國各族人民要牢記由鮮血和生命鑄就的中國人民抗日戰爭的偉大歷史,牢記中國人民為維護民族獨立和自由、捍衛祖國主權和尊嚴建立的偉大功勛,牢記中國人民為世界反法西斯戰爭勝利作出的偉大貢獻,珍視和平、警示未來,堅定不移走和平發展道路,堅定不移維護世界和平,萬眾一心把中國特色社會主義推向前進。

The whole Party and people of all ethnic groups of China should bear in mind the great history of Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression created by the blood and life of our people, the great glory gained by Chinese people in safeguarding national independence and freedom and defending the sovereignty and dignity of our motherland, as well as the outstanding contribution people had done for the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. Therefore, we must cherish peace and warn the future while unwaveringly take the road of peaceful development, maintain world peace, and make joint efforts to push forward Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

——2015.7.07 習近平參觀《偉大勝利歷史貢獻》主題展覽






2. 今年是中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年,中國人民抗日戰爭開始得最早、持續時間最長。我們開展紀念活動,就是要銘記歷史、緬懷先烈、珍愛和平、警示未來。兩國今年舉辦相關紀念活動,為的是捍衛第二次世界大戰勝利成果,共同弘揚歷史公正和國際正義。This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World Anti-Fascist War and the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression which started earlier than battles in other counries and last the longest. The commemorative activities we held are to reflect on the past, recall the revolutionary martyrs, cherish peace and warn the future. The related commemorative activities held by our two countries this year aim to safeguard the fruits of the victory of the Second World War and work together in promoting historical fairness and international justice.

——2015.5.11-12 習近平出訪白俄羅斯

3. 我們通過立法確定了中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日、烈士紀念日、南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日,舉行了隆重活動。對一切為國家、為民族、為和平付出寶貴生命的人們,不管時代怎樣變化,我們都要永遠銘記他們的犧牲和奉獻。Through legislation we have established the Commemorative Day to mark the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Commemorative Day of Martyrs, and the National Memorial Day to commemorate victims of the Nanjing Massacre. Solemn ceremonies were held on these days. No matter how time changes, the sacrifice and contribution of those who gave their lives for the country, the nation and peace should be bore in mind forever.

——2014.12.31 習近平主席發表2015年新年賀詞

4. 歷史刻骨銘心,永遠不能忘記。要教育官兵勿忘國恥、奮發圖強,決不讓歷史悲劇重演。We must engrave in our bones and hearts the history and never forget it. Officers and soldiers should be educated to keep the humiliation of our country in mind, go all out to make our Chinese nation stronger, and never allow the reappearance of this historical tragedy.

——2014.12.15 習近平視察南京軍區機關





5. 歷史是最好的教科書,也是最好的清醒劑。中國人民對戰爭帶來的苦難有著刻骨銘心的記憶,對和平有著孜孜不倦的追求。縱觀世界歷史,依靠武力對外侵略擴張最終都是要失敗的。這是歷史規律。中國將堅定不移走和平發展道路,并且希望世界各國共同走和平發展道路,讓和平的陽光永遠普照人類生活的星球。

History serves both as the best textbook and dose of sobriety. Chinese people always engrave in their bones and hearts the sufferings brought by wars and never cease to pursue peace. Throughout the world history, any external aggression and expansion relied on force was doomed to be defeated at last, and this is the law of history. China will adhere to the path of peaceful development and hope that all countries could follow together, thus letting our earth bathed under the peaceful sunshine forever.

——2014.7.07 首都各界隆重紀念全民族抗戰爆發七十七周年,習近平出席并發表重要講話




6. 忘記歷史就意味著背叛。今年是世界反法西斯戰爭勝利暨聯合國成立70周年。金磚國家應該同世界上所有熱愛和平的國家和人民一道,堅決反對否認、歪曲、篡改第二次世界大戰歷史的圖謀和行徑,共同維護第二次世界大戰勝利成果和國際公平正義。同時,要以史為鑒,摒棄冷戰思維,拒絕零和博弈,共同維護地區和世界和平穩定。我們要繼續致力于推動國際關系民主化。在國際關系中動輒制裁或以制裁相威脅,無助于解決問題。要倡導通過對話和談判,以和平和政治方式解決分歧。

Forgetting history is tantamount to betrayal. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the world war against fascism and the founding of the United Nations. The BRICS countries should join all the peace-loving countries and peoples in the world in firmly opposing any attempt or action to deny, distort or even tamper with the history of that war, and in upholding its victorious outcome and international equity and justice. At the same time, we must learn the lessons of history, do away with the Cold War mentality and reject the zero-sum game, and work together to maintain peace and stability in various regions and across the world. We should stay committed to promoting democracy in international relations. The use or threat of sanctions in international relations at every turn will not help solve problems. Dialogue and negotiation should play a useful part in settling differences peacefully and politically.

——2015.7.09 習近平在金磚國家領導人第七次會晤上的講話





7. 歷史不會因時代變遷而改變,事實也不會因巧舌抵賴而消失。我們不應因一個民族中有少數軍國主義分子發起侵略戰爭就仇視這個民族,戰爭的罪責在少數軍國主義分子而不在人民,但人們任何時候都不應忘記侵略者所犯下的嚴重罪行。一切罔顧侵略戰爭歷史的態度,一切美化侵略戰爭性質的言論,不論說了多少遍,不論說得多么冠冕堂皇,都是對人類和平和正義的危害。對這些錯誤言行,愛好和平與正義的人們必須高度警惕、堅決反對。

History will not be changed with the course of time, and facts will never fade away due to repudiation from the artful tongue. We should not be hostile to a nation for those aggressive wars launched by its few militarists in that the guilt and responsibility of war should not be imputed to its people, but the few militarists. However, people should not forget the serious crimes committed by invaders at any time. All the attitudes to ignore the history of aggressive war and all the statements to prettify the nature of aggressive war are doomed to jeopardize the peace and justice of humanity no matter how many times these words are said and no matter how high-sounding they are. People who love peace and justice must be strongly vigilant, and resolutely oppose these wrong words and deeds.

——2014.12.13 南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭儀式隆重舉行,習近平出席并發表重要講話

8. 事實就是事實,公理就是公理。在事實和公理面前,一切信口雌黃、指鹿為馬的言行都是徒勞的。黑的就是黑的,說一萬遍也不可能變成白的;白的就是白的,說一萬遍也不可能變成黑的。一切顛倒黑白的做法,最后都只能是自欺欺人。

Facts are facts, and axioms are axioms. In the face of facts and axioms, all the intentionally irresponsible and misrepresented words and deeds are in vain. Black is black and cannot be washed in to white even if it is said for 10,000 times; white is white and can never be smeared in to black even though it is repeated for ten thousand times. All conducts to reverse the facts will eventually be proved to be self-deception.

——2014.9.03 習近平在紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利69周年座談會上的講話



這些坐在中國仁新(音Yen Sehin)郊外的小山洞里的人是躲避轟炸的市民,該城市于 1944年5月13日被日軍飛機轟炸。許多人因轟炸而無家可歸,燃燒彈從天而降,導致市區多數房屋起火燃燒。 美軍通信兵(U.S.Army Signal Corps)拍攝


9. 歷史就是歷史,事實就是事實,任何人都不可能改變歷史和事實。付出了巨大犧牲的中國人民,將堅定不移捍衛用鮮血和生命寫下的歷史。任何人想要否認、歪曲甚至美化侵略歷史,中國人民和各國人民絕不答應!

History is history, facts are facts. It is impossible for anyone to change the history and facts. Chinese people who have made tremendous sacrifices will firmly uphold the history written by blood and lives. Chinese people and people of all countries will never allow anyone to deny, distort or even prettify the history of aggression.

——2014.7.07 首都各界隆重紀念全民族抗戰爆發七十七周年,習近平出席并發表重要講話



10. 對任何企圖歪曲美化日本軍國主義侵略歷史的言行,中國人民和亞洲受害國人民不答應,相信有正義和良知的日本人民也不會答應。前事不忘,后事之師。牢記歷史,是為了開創未來;不忘戰爭,是為了維護和平。我們認為,日本人民也是那場戰爭的受害者。抗日戰爭結束后,中國人民以德報怨,幫助百萬日僑重返家園,把數千名日本戰爭遺孤撫養成人,顯示了中國人民的博大胸懷和無疆大愛。

Chinese people and people of all victim countries in Asia will say no to any statements and actions that attempt to distort or prettify the aggression history of Japan militarism, and so will Japanese people who believe in justice and conscience. The past experience, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future. Remember the history, so we can create the future; remember the war, so we can uphold the peace. We believe Japanese people are also the victims of the war. After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chinese people rendered good for evil, helped millions of Japanese in China return Japan and raised thousands of Japanese war orphans which showed the great mind and boundless love of Chinese people.

——2015.5.23 習近平在中日友好交流大會上的講話






11. 兩國今年將舉辦一系列慶祝和紀念活動,目的是展現共同維護第二次世界大戰勝利成果和國際公平正義的決心,警示世界人民珍惜和維護來之不易的和平,不允許重演戰爭悲劇,共創全人類和平與發展的美好未來。

China and Russia will hold a series activities of celebration and commemoration, with the purpose of showing the determination to maintain the fruits of victory of the Second World War and the international fairness and justice and warning international public to cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace to prevent the repetition of the tragedy of war so as to create a better future of peace and development for all humanity.

——2015.5.08-09 習近平抵達莫斯科出席紀念衛國戰爭勝利70周年慶典并訪問俄羅斯

12. 自古以來,和平就是人類最持久的夙愿。和平像陽光一樣溫暖、像雨露一樣滋潤。有了陽光雨露,萬物才能茁壯成長。有了和平穩定,人類才能更好實現自己的夢想。歷史告訴我們,和平是需要爭取的,和平是需要維護的。只有人人都珍惜和平、維護和平,只有人人都記取戰爭的慘痛教訓,和平才是有希望的。

Since time immemorial, peace has been people's most enduring aspirations. Peace is as warm as sunshine and as moist as rain and dew with which all things on earth could thrive. Only with peace and stability can human beings realize their dreams better. Historical experience tells us that peace need to be strived for and safeguarded. Peace can be hopeful only when everyone cherish and maintain it and always remember painful lessons of the war.

——2014.7.07 南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭儀式隆重舉行,習近平出席并發表重要講話

13. 歷史是最好的老師,它忠實記錄下每一個國家走過的足跡,也給每一個國家未來的發展提供啟示。中國人歷來講求“己所不欲,勿施于人”。中國需要和平,就像人需要空氣一樣,就像萬物生長需要陽光一樣。

History is the best teacher who keeps a fair record of the paths that all countries have traveled and provides enlightenment for their future development. Chinese people are particular about “Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you” all long. Peace is to China what air is to people as well as sunshine is to all things growing.

——2014.3.30 習近平在德國科爾伯基金會的演講



14. 中國人民抗日戰爭的偉大勝利,為中華民族由近代以來陷入深重危機走向偉大復興確立了歷史轉折點,充分顯示了中華民族有同侵略者血戰到底的氣概,有在自力更生的基礎上光復舊物的決心,有自立于世界民族之林的能力。這一偉大勝利,將永載中華民族史冊,永載人類和平史冊!

The great victory of Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is the historical turning point at which the Chinese nation steps into the course of the great rejuvenation from the deep crisis since modern times. It fully shows that the Chinese nation has the spirit to fight for the invaders to the last drop of blood, the determination to recover lost territory on the basis of self-reliance, and the ability to stand firm among the nations of the world. The great victory will go down in history of the Chinese nation and the peace of mankind!

——2014.9.03 習近平在紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利69周年座談會上的講話






15. 70年前,中國人民經過艱苦卓絕的浴血奮戰,打敗了窮兇極惡的日本軍國主義侵略者,贏得了近代以來中國抗擊外敵入侵的第一次完全勝利。這一偉大勝利,徹底粉碎了日本軍國主義殖民奴役中國的圖謀,洗刷了近代以來中國抗擊外來侵略屢戰屢敗的民族恥辱;重新確立了我國在世界上的大國地位,中國人民贏得了世界愛好和平人民的尊敬;開辟了中華民族偉大復興的光明前景,開啟了古老中國鳳凰涅槃、浴火重生的新征程。這一偉大勝利,也是中國人民為世界反法西斯戰爭勝利、維護世界和平作出的重大貢獻。

Seventy years ago, Chinese people fought bloody wars and defeated the vicious Japanese militarism invaders and won the first complete victory in fighting against the foreign invasion since modern times. The great victory crashed Japanese militarists’ attempts to colonize and enslave China, cleaned the disgrace against foreign aggression in modern China, and re-established the great power status in the world. The Chinese people won the respect from peace-loving people around the world and opened up bright prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The ancient Chinese has risen like a phoenix from the ashes and set foot on a new journey. The Chinese people have made great contribution to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the maintenance of world peace.

——2015.7.30 習近平主持中共中央政治局第二十五次集體會議
















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