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The Departed《無間道風云》(精講之二)
[ 2007-06-07 19:04 ]

文化面面觀  State police of the United States

考考你  乘熱打鐵


Billy: So what do I do?

Queenan: There's money behind this operation. You won't be paid as a regular cop, but there's a bonus involved. Tax free. We can't conceal that you were a trainee. You'll beconvicted ofa crime. We were thinking a guilty plea to assault and battery wouldmake sense.

Dignam: Given your nature.

Queenan: You do enough jail time to convince anyone this is nosetup. You'll beon probation, see a court-ordered shrink,the whole nine yards.

Dignam: If you wanna serve the Commonwealth, this is your chance. We need you pal. You already pretended to be a Costigan from south Boston.

Billy: Every weekend, sergeant.

Dignam: Perfect.

Queenan: Do it again. For me. 


1. Convict someone (of...)

"某人被判有罪"的意思,例如:The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter.
這個片語還可以表示"顯示有過錯,譴責",例如:His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.

2. Make sense

這里的意思是"To be practical, wise or advisable",例如:It makes sense to go now.

3. Setup

這里的setup是個俚語,意思是"騙局"。This is no 后面加名詞常用來表示"這不是……",例如:This is no love. 這不是愛情。

4. On probation

"緩刑"的意思。例如:Many people who are convicted of crimes are placed on probation instead of being sent to prison.

5. The whole nine yards

這個片語的意思是"Everything that is relevant; the whole thing",例如:He decided to take everything to college--his books, his stereo, his computer, his skis, the whole nine yards. 這里指的是"所有和犯罪、判刑、緩刑、釋放"有關的事情。

此外,它還可以表示"in all ways; in every respect; all the way",例如:If you want to run for mayor, I'll be with you the whole nine yards.

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