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[ 2009-02-06 16:53 ]





Ché: Spain has fallen to the charms of Evita. She can do what she likes. It doesn't matter much.

Aide 1: She's our lady of the new world with a golden touch.

Aide 2: She filled a bullring (with) forty five thousand seaters.

Ché: But if you're prettier than General Franco(佛朗哥將軍,西班牙前國家元首), that's not hard.

Aide 1: Franco's reign in Spain should see out the forties. So you've just acquired an ally who looks as secure in his job as you.

Aide 2: But more important, current political thought is your wife's a phenomenal asset, your trump card.

Aides: Let's hear it for the Rainbow Tour. It's been an incredible success. We weren't quite sure. We had a few doubts.

Peron: Will Evita win through?

Aides: But the answer is yes.

Peron: There you are. I told you so. Makes no difference where she goes, the whole world over just the same, just listen to them call her name. And who would underestimate the actress now?

Ché: Now I don't like to spoil a wonderful story, but the news from Rome isn't quite as good. She hasn't gone down like they thought she would. Italy's unconvinced by Argentine glory. They equate Peron with Mussolini. Can't think why.

Evita: Did you hear that? They called me a whore! They actually called me a whore!

An Italian Admiral: But Signora(意大利語的“夫人”)Peron, it's an easy mistake. I'm still called an admiral, yet I gave up the sea long ago.

Aide 2: More bad news from Rome, she met with the Pope. She only got a rosary(念珠), a kindly word.

Ché: I wouldn't say the Holy Father gave her the bird. But Papal decorations, never a hope.

Aide 1: She still looked the part at St. Peter's(就是St Peter's Bacilica,位于梵蒂岡的圣彼得大教堂), caught the eye.



1. golden touch: 點石成金的本事,點金術。劇中當然不是說Evita會魔法,而是形容她魅力超群、手段高明。來看例句:

He really has the golden touch. No matter what he does, he makes money effortlessly. 他真會賺錢。不管是做什么,他不用費勁就能賺到錢。

Talk is silver and silence is gold. Traders with the golden touch do not talk. 言談是銀子,沉默是金子。有點金術的交易商稀于言談。

2. trump card:王牌,法寶;最后手段,萬全之策;定能成功的人,可以信賴的人。貝隆的幕僚說:“現在的政壇認為,尊夫人是無價之寶,是您手中的一張王牌。”來看例句:

This is my trump card. I never use it easily. 這可是我的殺手锏, 不輕易使用的!

Her influence with the mayor has been her trump card in the contest. 她跟市長的交情是她這次比賽的秘密武器。

3. win through:最后成功。這個短語強調“最后”、結局。例如:

He will win through, I belive. 我相信他最后會成功。

For we shall win through, no matter the cost. 我們最后一定會勝利的,不計任何代價。

4. easy mistake:這可不能翻譯成“容易的錯誤”,而是“常見的錯誤”。這位意大利的陪同人員說:“但是貝隆夫人,這是常見的錯誤。雖然我遠離大海已多年,人們依然稱我為海軍上將。”

5. give someone the bird: 譏笑、噓某人,解雇某人,怠慢某人。Ché說:“我不想說教皇怠慢她。但是想被教皇的賜予獎章,她休想。” 來看例句:

When he forgot his lines the audience gave his the bird. 他把臺詞忘了,觀眾噓聲四起。

Jack was trying to be serious, but we all gave him the bird. 杰克裝著一本正經,但我們都譏笑他。

The general manager gave George the bird. 總經理解雇了喬治。

6. look the part:不是“看這個部分”的意思,而是說某人“裝得像模像樣”。Evita雖然在意大利收到冷遇,但表面功夫還是做得挺足,在圣彼得大教堂的時候還挺像模像樣的。

She acted an old woman and really looked the part. 她裝老大娘真像。

The new princess certainly looked the part at her wedding. 王妃在婚禮上還挺是那么回事。



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