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Slumdog Millionaire 《貧民窟百萬富翁》精講之一
[ 2009-03-02 19:47 ]




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Woman: Please, please. What time is the next tour? We are on tight schedule. You see, we have to see the Red Fort this afternoon.

Jamal Malik: No, I... 

Woman: Please, would it be possible to show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more for just the two of us.

Jamal Malik: But of course madam! Please follow me. The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama for his wife Mumtaz, who was the maximum beautiful woman in the world. Then when she died, the emperor decided to build this five-star hotel, for everyone who would like to visit her tomb. But he died in 1587 before any of the rooms were built, or any of the lifts. But this swimming pool as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion.

Woman: Is says nothing of this in the guide book.

Jamal Malik: The guide book was written by a bunch of lazy good-for-nothing Indian beggars. And this lady and gentlemen is the burial place of Mumtaz.

Woman: How did she die?                   

Jamal Malik: A road traffic accident.

Woman: Really?

Jamal Malik: Maximum pile-up.

Man: I thought she died in childbirth.

Jamal Malik: Exactly sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened.


1.on tight schedule:排得緊緊的時間表。影片中游客對Jamal說:“我們趕時間?!?來看例句:

do not they know how tight my schedule be? 他們不曉得我的日程安排有緊多嗎?

Well, you do have a very tight schedule here.你的時間確實很緊。

2.show sb.around:帶某人四處轉轉。影片中游客對Jamal說到:“你能帶我們四處轉轉嗎?” 來看例句:

I'll show you around! 我帶你四處逛逛!

I'll send someone to show you around. 我派人帶你到周圍轉轉。

3.a bunch of:一束,扎,捆。這里Jamal的意思是說:“旅游手冊都是一幫好吃懶做的印度乞丐寫的?!眮砜匆粋€例句:

She arrived bearing a bunch of grapes.她來了,帶來了一串葡萄。

4.good-for-nothing:無用的人,廢物, 無價值的人。

Her nephew is good for nothing. 她侄子無用。

"Get out of here, you good-for-nothing fool!" "滾,你這個飯桶!"


That motorway pile-up was a bad job. 那條汽車道擠滿了汽車,情況很糟糕。

He was killed in a four-car pile-up.他死于一次4車相撞交通事故。

pile-up 也有堆積,積聚的意思,比如:

There was a pile-up of goods because the rail strike. 鐵路工人罷工造成貨物積壓。



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