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Avatar 《阿凡達》精講之二

[ 2010-02-10 11:26]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Female doctor: Biometrics are good.

Doctor: 1-3 is ready.

Grace: Keep your arms in, hands in. Head down. Down. Just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be hard for you.

Jake: Kiss the darkest part of my...

Grace: Initiate link.

Doctor: Run sequence, Unit 3.

Female doctor: Launching. have the first congruency.

Doctor: That's a gorgeous brain. Nice activity.

Grace: Go figure.

Female doctor: Phase lock 40%.

Grace: I'm going in. I'm going in in 4.

Female doctor: Phase lock 99%. Link is stable.

Staff in lab: Jake, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jake? Pupillary reflex is good. Hearing response normal. How are you feeling Jake?

Jake: Hey guys.

Staff in lab: Welcome to your new body Jake. We're gonna take this nice and easy Jake. And touch your thumb to your fingers. Thumb to your fingers.

Jake: No problem.

Staff in lab: Good. I can see you remember that one.

Jake: Got it. Well, if you want to sit up, that's fine. Let's take it nice and slow Jake. No tranquil attacks here, that's good. Do you feel lightheaded or dizzy? Wiggling your toes. Good Jake. System motor control is good. Are you feeling any numbness or pain? Take it easy, don't get ahead of yourself, okay? There are few more sensory and motor reflex tests we need to run, so take it easy. Sit down. Jake listen to me. I need you to sit down.

Jake: It's OK, I got this.

Staff in lab: Jake you need to sit down.

Doctor: Guys get him back on the gurney now.

Staff in lab: You need to sit down. you need time to adjust to atm. Sedate him! 1,000 mg of Seconal. Stop!... - Stop!

Doctor: Jake! - Jake, listen to me. You're not used to your Avatar body, this is dangerous.

Jake: This is great.

Norm: Come on, they're gonna put you out. No no,... I got to get out of these leads.

Staff in lab: Goddammit! Bring them!

Grace: Come on, you ain't got no skills. I don't even have to play defense.

Jake: Hey guys.

Norm: It's OK, I'll get him. Jake you have to come inside. Sorry. You're not supposed to be running!

Jake: Sorry.

Robot: Watch it.

Grace: Hey Marine!

Jake: Damn.. Grace?

Grace: Who did you expect numb nuts? Think fast! Motor control is looking good. Come on everybody quiet down. Lights out. Come on Louise, chop chop. Don't play with that, you'll go blind.

Jake: That's kinda freaky.

Grace: Come on. Scat. Lights out, see you at dinner kitties.

Staff in lab: Welcome back. You all right?

Jake: Yeah, I'm OK.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. biometrics: 生物測定學。

2. go blank: (思想或大腦)變得空白、呆滯,the mind go blank也就是我們說的“大腦一片空白”。

3. congruency: 適合,一致。

4. pupillary reflex:瞳孔反射。

5. lightheaded: 頭暈眼花的。

因喝酒頭暈,就可以用lightheaded with wine來表示。此外,lightheaded還可以表示“輕率的”,名詞形式為lighthead(輕率的人)。

6. get ahead of: 勝過,超過。這里是讓Jake一步一步來,不要做自己還完不成的任務。

例如:He always tries to get ahead of others in everything.(他總是試圖處處領先他人。)

7. sedate: 給某人服鎮定劑。

此外,sedate還可以用來形容“安靜的,鎮定的。” 例如:We spent a sedate evening at home.(我們在家里過了一個恬靜的夜晚。)

8. numb nut: A person of severely limited intellectual prowess.愚蠢的人。格蕾斯的意思是“不然你還能看見誰啊,你這白癡。”

9. lights out:熄燈了,是發布熄燈號時的說法。

10.chop-chop: 快,趕快。

此外,我們還常用chop and change來表示“變化無常”。例如:If you chop and change jobs like this, you'll never get experience.(如果你像這樣總是變換工作,你將永遠得不到經驗。)

11.freaky: 怪異的,捉摸不定的。

例如:That guy has some really freaky looking hair!(那個人的發型可真怪!)



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