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Dorian Gray《道林·格雷》精講之一

[ 2010-05-24 11:43]     字號 [] [] []  
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Basil: There. I'll fetch us some drinks.

Henry's aunt: Find her a good husband who knows how to behave to a woman.

Henry: The only way to behave is to make love to her if she's pretty and to someone else if she's plain. Excuse me. Cigarette?

Dorian: No, thank you.

Henry: I find a cigarette to be the perfect pleasure. It is exquisite and leaves one unsatisfied. You're Kelso's grandson.

Dorian: Yes. Did you know him?

Henry: I met him once. It was enough to give a cheer last month when he rasped his last sour breath. One assumes you inherited the withered old goat's estate? Being a little orphan isn't all bad. "An earnest young man with a beautiful nature," according to Agatha. I'd pictured some freckled country oaf in ghastly dress. I see I was only half right. It could be worse. Gladys Allonby's been dressed for her 14th birthday ever since her 40th. If Radley spent less time in church and more at his tailor's, he might not so resemble a badly-bound hymn book. Are you sure you won't take a cigarette? I get them directly from Cairo.

Basil: I see you've met our charming host. Just pay no attention to anything he tells you.

Henry: How rude. Henry Wotton. Victoria, my wife. My aunt, alas, you know. Oh, I'm so glad you've met. You might learn some manners from this boy.

Victoria: I've found some more guests for you to insult.

Henry: I knew I kept her for something. I do hope our paths cross again, Mr Gray.

Dorian: Thank you for the cigarette... (Coughs)... cigarette.

Basil: An acquired taste.

Dorian: No, it's actually quite pleasant.

Basil: No, I meant Henry.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. behave: 循規蹈矩地行事。影片中亨利的姨媽指“找到一個懂得正確對待女人的好丈夫”。例如:children who won't behave(不聽話的孩子們)。

2. exquisite: 劇烈的,尖銳的。影片中亨利指吸煙是一種極致的感官享受。看一下例子:exquisite pleasure(極臻的愉快);exquisite pain(劇痛)。

3. rasp: 發出刺耳聲。影片中亨利用諷刺的口吻在談論道林父親的死亡,連他呼出的最后一口氣都讓人感到刺耳。

4. withered: 衰老憔悴的。

5. old goat: 討厭的老家伙。goat可以表示“替罪羊,犧牲品,代人受過的人”,也可以表示“好色鬼”或“蠢貨”。get sb.'s goat在口語中的意思是“使某人惱怒;挫傷某人;嘲弄某人”??匆幌吕樱篢hat fellow gets my goat with his constant boasting of his own achievements.(那家伙老是吹噓自己的成就,使我極為惱火。)

6. freckled: 有雀斑的。

7. oaf: 傻瓜,蠢材,笨蛋(尤指男人)。影片中亨利說他原以為道林是一個滿臉雀斑的鄉下白癡。

8. ghastly: 糟透的,令人不快的??匆幌吕樱篢hey had a ghastly time at the party. (聚會時他們玩得極不開心。)ghastly也可以表示“極大的,驚人的”,例如:Tony made a ghastly mistake. (托尼犯了一個極大的錯誤。)

9. I do hope our paths cross again: 我希望我們還能再相遇。cross sb.'s path的意思是“與某人偶然相遇,不期而遇,邂逅”。請看例子:We crossed her path at the station yesterday.(我們昨天在車站偶然碰到她。)

10. acquired taste: 后天修養得來的品味;逐漸養成的嗜好;逐漸被人喜愛的人或物。



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