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[ 2011-11-02 11:19]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Jewel: Look, let's just get this chain broken.

Blu: Right. Then we can go and find Linda.

Jewel: No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal?

Blu: Fine. Deal.

Jewel: Nice try, brainiac.

(Leaves rustling)

Blu: I think something is watching us.


Jewel: Be careful, Blu. They might snuggle you to death.

Blu: Come here. Ow!

Toucan kids: Intruders!


Jewel: No! Don't!

Toucan kids: Attack!

(Both screaming)

Blu: Help!

Rafael: What's going on down there? Go, go. Off with you.

Toucan kids: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!

Rafael: I've told you a thousand times. Manoela, Sofia, come on now, listen to me. Oh, yeah, right in the eye.

Jewel: Precious, aren't they?

Rafael: Kids? Seventeen of them and one on the way. Hey! He's not a maraca, stop shaking him! They're giving me gray feathers. Oh, this papa needs a break. So, you two lovebirds headed for Carnaval?

Jewel: Whoa! Lovebirds?

Blu: We're more like acquaintance-birds.

Jewel: Not even that, we're more like chained-to-each-other birds.

Blu: Yeah. I mean, if... Ow! What is it with this kid and the feathers?

Rafael: We have no idea. We're having him tested.

Jewel: So, do you think you could help us get this thing off?


Rafael: Lucky for you, you know Rafael, and Rafael knows everyone. Again with the eye. Okay, want me to call your mother?

Toucan kids: No!

Rafael: Works every time. They're scared to death of her.

Eva: Call me for what?

Rafael: Eva, my love...I must take this young couple to see Luiz.

Eva: Luiz! You don't fool me for a second. You and your amigo just want to sneak off to Carnaval.

Rafael: Carnaval. That magical time when I met the most beautiful bird in the world.

Blu: Oh!

Jewel: Ugh.

Rafael: I still remember the song that was playing when I first laid eyes on you. Tall and tan and young and lovely. The girl from Ipanema goes walking. Come on, baby, sing it! And when she passes, each one she passes goes, ah!

(Birds squawking)

Rafael: Like a river of the sweetest honey.

Jewel: Oh. I guess love is deaf, too.

Rafael: Come here.

Toucan kids: Eww.

Eva: Okay. Take them to Luiz, but hurry back.

Rafael: You are an angel. I'll miss you my juicy little mango.

Eva: I'll miss you my pudgy papaya.

(Kids shouting)

Eva: Hey! Marco! Carlos! Put your brother down, now!

Rafael: I can't believe she actually let me go.

Blu: So, how far is this Luiz?

Rafael: Not far. Thirty minutes as the crow flies.

Blu: And how long as the macaw walks?

Jewel: Bobo here can't fly.

Rafael: But he's a bird.

Blu: Not all birds fly. There are ostriches...

Jewel: You're not an ostrich.

Blu: Not technically, but...

Rafael: Wait. My friends, I want to help, but to walk the whole way... It can't be done!

Toucan kids: Where's Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?

Eva: Come over here. Go back to your room.

Rafael: But, hey. We might as well give it a shot. Let's go quickly. No, don't look back. They sense fear.


Traveler A: What an adorable monkey.

(People laughing)


(Blowing raspberry)

Traveler B: Hey! My watch!

Nigel: Hello, boys. Seems like you've had a busy day.

Mauro: What? This? This is just some stuff we found. Right, boys?

Monkeys: Yeah. Yeah.

Nigel: I'm not interested in your nicked knick-knacks. Your burgled baubles bore me. There are two blue macaws out there and I need your multitude of eyes to help me find them.

Mauro: Oh, yeah? What's in it for us?

Nigel: Well, that's a fair question. (Screaming) Let's discuss it. I certainly see your point, but what could I possibly do for you in return?

Mauro: Save me! Save me!

Nigel: Well, that's a thought. Yeah. But is it enough? I don't want to feel like I'm cheating you.

Mauro: Help me! Help me! No, no! We'll do it, we'll do it. Save me, please. Save me!

Nigel: All right, you've twisted my wing. Deal. Now then? Any more questions? No? Good. You will spread out and you will find these macaws by the end of the day or it's flying lessons for everyone! Go!


(All hooting)

Nigel: Go do your monkey business.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. brainiac: <美口> 超天才,源于《超人》連環畫中一個超天才外星人的名字。影片中珠兒顯然是諷刺。

2. snuggle: 緊抱。

3. maraca: 響葫蘆。

4. lovebirds: 情侶。

5. amigo: <美>(源于西班牙語amigo)朋友。

6. sneak off: 偷偷溜走。

7. pudgy: 矮胖的;粗而短的。

8. papaya: 番木瓜。

9. ostrich: 駝鳥。也可以表示“逃避現實的人”。

10. give it a shot: 盡量試試。請看例句:Ernest was nevertheless willing to give it a shot.(盡管如此,歐內斯特仍然愿意做一下嘗試。)

11. adorable: 可愛的。

12. nick: 偷,撈。例如:nick whatever one can lay one's hands on(順手牽羊什么都撈)。

13. knick-knack: 小玩意兒。

14. burgled: 偷竊的,盜竊的。

15. bauble: 沒價值的東西;小玩意兒。

16. multitude of: 許多。

17. What's in it for us?: 我們能從中得到什么呢?

18. see your point: 明白你的意思。

19. Deal: 一言為定。

20. monkey business: 猢猻把戲,在這里是一語雙關。monkey business可以表示“惡作劇”、“耍花招”或“胡鬧”。例如:His wife could do nothing about his monkey business at the pub.(他的太太對于他在酒吧胡鬧束手無策。)



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