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Waiting for forever《等到永遠》精講之五

[ 2012-03-28 15:17]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009




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Police: What are you doin'? Get out of the road. Come on. You know there's no hitchhiking along this highway?

Willie: No.

Police: Where you headed?

Willie: I have no idea.

Police: May I see your identification, please? Mr. Donner, this driver's license expired over four years ago.

Willie: Well, then it's a good thing I'm not driving.

Police: You still at this address?

Willie: No, sir, I'm not.

Police: Can you tell me where your home is at now, Mr. Donner?

Willie: Not even close.

Police: Sit tight. I'll be back in a moment.

Willie: Why would I remain silent if you want to ask me questions?

Police: A man was killed in California. He was involved in a relationship with a Miss Emma Twist. Do you know Emma Twist?

Willie: You must know that I do.

Police Do you follow Emma Twist?

Willie: I did.

Police: And you don't follow her anymore?

Willie: No.

Police: Why'd you stop following her?

Willie: Because she told me to.

Police: Do you know where you were on the first of October, Mr. Donner?

Willie: No. Do you... do you know where you were?

Police: We're not suspects in a murder case, Mr. Donner. You are. Where were you on the first of October?

Willie: No. No. Emma, no. No. I have to go. I have to go back.

Police: Mr. Donner, that's not gonna be possible. A warrant for your arrest has been issued in California.

Willie: I really have to go now.

Police: Mr. Donner, you have to sit down. Just sit down!

Willie: I have to leave. No, no. No!

Police: Get him down!

Willie: Emma! Emma!

Police: Keep him down!

Willie: Emma! No! No!

Jimbo's wife: Hello. Uh, yes. One minute.

Jimbo: Hello.

Police: Wake up. Let's go. He's free to go.

Willie: Thanks for coming so far to get me. I'll... I'll pay you back.

Jimbo: Come on. Come on. They treat you all right? Look, they don't have any evidence, all right? That's why they let you go. I know you didn't do this.I know. I know that. I know. You have to jump through their hoops though. Okay? You have to get a lawyer. And... you're gonna have to get your act together. Okay?

Willie: I've been trying. I promise. I just... I can't... I can't stop crying.

Jimbo: Will, you just... you just gotta pull it together.

Willie: Jimbo.

Jimbo: Hmm?

Willie: Everything's not peachy. There... there aren't any matinees on Thursdays. I'm sorry.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. hitchhiking: 搭便車

2. Where you headed: 你要去哪兒?

3. sit tight: 耐心等待,在這里等會兒,也可以表示靜待事態發展,堅持主張

If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along.(如果你的車子拋錨,就留在原處不動,等警察來。)

4. suspect: 嫌疑犯

5. warrant: 逮捕證,搜查證

The police must obtain a warrant from a judge in order to search a house.(警察必須從法官處取得搜查證才可搜查房子。)


He had no warrant for his suspicion.(他沒有理由那么懷疑。)

6. peachy: 出色的,極好的

They bought a peachy new sports car.(他們買了一輛很好的新跑車。)

Everything is going peachy here, dad. How are you and mom?(爸爸,這里一切都很好,你和母親好嗎?)

7. matinee: 午后的演出,日戲,日場



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