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The Parent Trap《天生一對》精講之三

[ 2012-10-24 14:15] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009




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Chessy: Hello, gorgeous! Oh, look at you! Oh, you grew. Oh, we missed you so much. Hey, don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp. Okay?You're a growing girl. You need adventure.

Annie: Okay.

Chessy: Oh, you hungry? I made corn bread and chili. Why are you so quiet? What's wrong?

Annie: Nothing, it's just--l'm so happy to be home.

Dad: Hey, did I hear somethin' about corn bread and chili?

Chessy: Yeah, it's on the stove. So, something's changed about you, Hal. Umm, I can't put my finger on it, but something about you is definitely changed.

Annie: Really? Well, it's just the same old me. Honest. Hi, Sammy.

Chessy: What is wrong with you, you goofball? lt's Hallie.

Annie: Oh, I-I probably just smell like camp, that's all.

Chessy: What's the matter with you? lt's like you didn't even recognize her.

Annie: Wow! It's even better than the pictures.

Chessy: Okay, kiddo. What do ya wanna do first, huh? You wanna eat and then unpack? Or, uh, we could unpack and then eat. Or we could eat while we unpack.

Annie: Do you mean I can eat in my room?

Chessy: Yeah, l'd say it's a definite possibility.

Dad: Hey, Hal, when you're done, come on down. There's someone I want you to meet.

Annie: Okay, Dad.

Dad: Okay, Hal.

Blake: Look at you. Always eating. Did you tell her?

Dad: No.

Blake: Nicky.

Dad: I will. I will.

Annie: Tell me what?

Chessy: Hal, it is none of my business how your father makes a fool out of himself Okay? He's a big boy. He can do what he wants.

Annie: Okay Okay. So, who is she?

Chessy: Her name's Meredith Blake. She's a publicist from San Francisco. Your father hired her at the beginning of the summer to do some publicity for the vineyard. If you ask me, she's doin' a better job of sellin' herself than the grapes.

Annie: What do you mean?

Chessy: Oy. Look, you and I both know your father's not some kind of suave, debonaire bachelor-of-the-month type. So, I gotta ask myself, What does a hot, young thing like that see in a guy who walks around with his shirttail hangin' out and his cereal bowl full of chili? Then, I realized there's about a million reasons why that girl's gigglin'. And all of them are sitting at the Napa Valley Community Bank.

Annie: You mean, you don't think she even really likes him?

Chessy: Eh, what do l know? But I'll tell you one thing. This one's got your father eating out of the palm of her hand. They do everything together. They ride together. They swim together. They go out to eat dinner every night. But, you know what? Meet her. See for yourself. Don't let me influence you.

Dad: There's my girl Honey, I want you to meet a friend of mine. Hal, this is Meredith Blake.

Blake: Hi.

Annie: Hi, Meredith Blake.

Blake: Wow I can't believe I'm finally meeting the famous Hallie. I have looked forward to this all summer.

Annie: Really? Well, here l am.

Blake: Oh, Nicky, she's adorable! You know, the way your father talked about you. I expected to meet a little girl, but you are so grown up.

Annie: l'll be 12 soon. How old are you?

Blake: Twenty-six.

Annie: Only 15 years older than me. How old are you, again, Dad?

Dad: Wow! Suddenly, you're so interested in math. Look, l'm gonna go inside. I'm gonna get some more chili, maybe a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Annie: What are we celebrating?

Blake: Your homecoming, of course.

Dad: Be right back.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. put my finger on it: 指出來,指明,切西在這里是說,我說不清楚,但是你的確變了。

Something is different, but I can't quite put my finger on it.(有些地方是不一樣的,但我不能確切地指出來。)

2. goofball:傻瓜

You were hopped up on goofball, why should we believe what you say?(你當時快成呆瓜了,為什么我們要相信你的話?)

3. unpack: 打開包裹,開包

4. publicist:公關,宣傳人員

5. suave: 柔和的,溫和的,文質彬彬的

I had difficulty answering his suave questions.(我難以回答他的一些彬彬有禮的提問。)

6. debonaire: 快活的,清爽的

7. shirttail: 襯衣下擺

8. see for yourself: 親眼看看

If you do not believe that it is snowing, go and see for yourself!(你要是不相信正在下雪,你自己去看看!)



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