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[ 2013-03-05 08:47] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
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Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Legible, legible.

Sara: I can't believe I'm doing this.

Jonathan: Now, please, please. Let fate take its proper course. That was an accident. Write down that again, please.

Sara: I can't. That was a sign. Fate's telling us to back off.

Jonathan: If fate didn't want us to be together, then why did we meet tonight, huh? Gotcha.

Sara: Well, I don't know, but it's not an exact science. It's a feeling.

Jonathan: Well, what if you're wrong, huh? What if it's all in our hands and we just walk away? No names, no phone numbers, nothing. What do you think’s gonna happen? Do you think good old fate is just gonna deliver my information right to your doorstep?

Sara: Do you know that's the best idea you've had all night?

Jonathan: What's the best...

Sara: Here you go. Write your name and number down.

Jonathan: On a $5.00 bill?

Sara: Mm. Just do it.

Jonathan: You are a strange and interesting woman. Now what?

Sara: Wait there.

Jonathan: Hey! What the hell was that?

Sara: When that $5.00 bill makes its way back into my hands, I'll be able to call you. And when you hear my voice on the other end, then you'll believe in fate, won't you?

Jonathan: Hey, what about me?

Sara: What do you mean?

Jonathan: Well, we have to send something out in the universe with your name on it, don't we? Come on. Isn't that the only fair thing?

Sara: That is the only fair thing. What have I got, even? Ooh. No. I have a really good idea.

Jonathan: What?

Sara: Okay.

Jonathan: That's a lot of tuba.

Sara: Okay, see this book?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Sara: Okay, so when I get home tonight, I'm gonna write my name and number inside this book. And then first thing tomorrow morning, I'll sell it to a used-book store.

Jonathan: Which one? You're not gonna tell me. You're not gonna tell me. Why not?

Sara: Well, now, every time you go past an old bookstore, you're gonna have to go inside to see if it's there.

Jonathan: This is just wrong. You don't just have the most incredible night of your life with a perfect stranger and then leave it all to chance, do ya? Do ya?

Sara: Come with me a second.

Jonathan: What, are we gonna get a room? I'm kidding. But I wanna know you more. Come on. Where are we going?

Sara: Okay. Now, you stay here.

Jonathan: Okay.

Sara: No, stay here. Stay there. Don't make me come over there. Okay.

Jonathan: Okay.

Sara: Right, if we both randomly pick the same floor, we're meant to be together now.

Jonathan: You're insane.

Sara: Come on. Okay, get in...take a breath, and then when the door closes, hit a button.

Jonathan: I don't understand this.

Sara: You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith.

Jonathan: Faith in what?

Sara: Destiny. Oh. Here. Hey! It's Sara. My name's Sara.

Man: And here it is. See? You were right.

Jonathan: Uh...

Man: Let's go, buddy.

Jonathan: We're going up here.

Man: Oh, that's okay. Josh likes to ride either way. Don't you, Josh?

Jonathan: Don't do that! Don't touch those!

Man: Hey, calm down. He's just a kid.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. Let fate take its proper course: 讓命運掌握一切吧。

2. back off: 后退

They backed off in horror.(他們心懷恐懼地退縮了。)

3. exact science: 精密科學

4. tuba: (樂器)大號

5. used-book store: 二手書店

6. insane: 瘋狂的; 精神病的; 非常愚蠢的

I said, 'Listen, this is completely insane.'(我說:“聽著,這簡直荒唐之極?!保?/p>

7. take a breath: 深呼吸,喘口氣

Don't lose control at any time; take a breath.(任何時候都不要失態,深吸一口氣。)

8. either way: 無論哪種方式,不管怎樣

He just couldn't make up his mind either way.(他左想也不是,右想也不是。)



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