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Polite refusals 英國人的委婉拒絕方式

"對我來說理解英語中的一些委婉的說法實在是一件很困難的事。比如我給一個朋友寫了一個方案,他說:I hear what you say,我以為他同意了我的想法,但其實他是不同意而且也不想就此再討論。我怎樣才能正確理解英文的委婉說法呢?非常感謝!"


Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you understood every word that someone said, but later you discovered that what they said was completely opposite to what they meant?


Well, British people can be very good at making English confusing for learners. Take a look at these examples: are they offering praise - or polite rejections?

- It’s quite good

- It’s a brave proposal

- I almost agree

Find out in the programme.

Don't forget to download the script, where you can find an amusing - and widely shared - table of English expressions and their actual meanings.

If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can write to us or email: questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk