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Golden Globes 金球獎

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Golden Globes 金球獎

Ben Affleck collected the award for his film, Argo.

第68屆金球獎獲獎結果已在美國洛杉磯揭曉。金球獎的舉行預示著一年一度的電影與電視獎項季節已經到來。很多人認為金球獎的獲獎影片很可能會成為本年度奧斯卡的熱門侯選。以下是來自 Peter Bowes 的報道:

Argo pulled off a surprise win. Directed by Ben Affleck, the film revolves around the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. It beat Steven Speilberg's Lincoln which had been the favourite to take the award for best drama. 

Speaking at the ceremony, former president Bill Clinton said Lincoln was an extraordinary film. Its leading man Daniel Day-Lewis was named best actor:

Actor, Daniel Day-Lewis:

Are you sure there's room for another ex-president on this stage? Well, if you thought that was showing off, Her Majesty the Queen of England is about to parachute in in a couple of minutes to make a last minute pitch for Skyfall.

In the category for best musical, Les Miserables won the top award. There were also accolades for its stars Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. In other categories, the award for best song went to Adele for her James Bond theme, Skyfall. The singer was a little overwhelmed by her success:

Singer-songwriter, Adele:

Honestly I've come out for a night out with my friend Ida, we're new mums. We've literally come for a night out, I was not expecting this. Thank you so much. It's so good. It's very strange to be here. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your world for a night. It's amazing.

In the category for best foreign language film, the Austrian drama Amour was the winner. And in the television section, Downton Abbey lost out to Homeland for the award for best drama.

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