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Croatia joins the EU 克羅地亞加入歐盟

Fireworks light up the Croatian sky


歐盟現在共有28個成員國。在經過近一個世紀的等待后,從本周一開始,克羅地亞正式成為歐盟成員國之一。上千人參加了在首都薩格勒布舉行的慶祝儀式。不過參加慶祝的民眾和外國首腦都對克羅地亞融入歐洲一體化進程的未來持謹慎觀望態度。以下是 Guy De Launey 發來的報道:

As the clock struck midnight, the anthem of the European Union rang out across Zagreb's main square and at last Croatia completed its journey from combat zone of the former Yugoslavia to member of Europe's biggest club.

But this was not entirely an ode to joy. Zagreb's main square was hardly packed for most of the coming-out party. And that reflects the ambivalence many people here now feel about membership. After the prolonged economic crisis, the EU no longer looks like the promised land Croatia applied to join a decade ago.

Likewise, the new member's own economic troubles have caused concern among the other 27 states. Visiting foreign ministers stressed the EU's role as a builder of peace rather than prosperity. A good point, bearing in mind Croatia's recent past. But also, perhaps, a diplomatic fig-leaf.

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