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'Your 2012' 攝影展

'Your 2012' 攝影展

The script of this programme 本節目臺詞


Yang Li: 大家好我是楊莉。倫敦博物館正在舉辦一個和明年的倫敦奧運會相關的展覽,非常有意思,日前我親自去做了一個采訪。接下來的二分鐘時我和館員 Dave 的對話。我問他兩個問題:第一,為什么把這次攝影展命名為 Your 2012? 第二,舉辦這樣一個攝影展的目的是什么?

Dave: Hello my name's Dave Matthews. I work for the Museum of London Docklands and I curated this exhibition Your 2012.

Yang Li: So Dave, can you tell me why you named it Your 2012 not Our 2012?

'Your 2012' 攝影展

An archeological team checed the site before the construction began

Dave: Well, we called it your 2012 because it is actually that. It's Your 2012. It's everyone's 2012. All these photos were taken with a view to anyone with a camera can take these photos.

Yang Li: So it's focussing on you – you can do something about it. Is that right?

Dave: Exactly. That's right, that's exactly right.

Yang Li: As I can see, Dave, that all these are photographs. Can you tell me what would you hope to achieve by way of such an exhibition?

What we would hope to achieve with this exhibition is a greater understanding of the Olympic site and the area and the impact on everyone.

Dave Mathews, Museum of London Docklands

Dave: What we would hope to achieve with this exhibition is a greater understanding of the Olympic site and the area and the impact on everyone. I mean Your 2012 is exactly that. It's your Games, your history and your future.

Yang Li: It's your Games, your history and your future. 這就是2012攝影展要傳遞的信息你的奧運,你的歷史,你的未來!接下來 Dave 向我介紹了展覽會的布局和構思:看你能不能聽出來展品都分了哪幾個部分?Can you name each of the four parts?

Dave: We tried to split it up into four categories. We've got the environment; the archive section – which shows the history of the site; we've also got the impact - the impact on the area; and we've got under construction - the building of the site. And in each area it will show what's going on at that particular time when you took the photos and how the area is changing day by day.

Yang Li: The exhibition consists of four parts. They are: environment 環境;the archive 歷史照片,the impact 奧運建設對當地的影響,最后是 under construction 施工。Mind you, this exhibition is only a small part of what's going on at this unique museum - The Museum of London Docklands. I learned from Ashley, another curator at the museum, that this is a grade one listed museum 國家一級保護建筑, and there is something very special about its location...

Ashley: Well I think, probably, the most important – the most special – thing about our museum is that we're actually situated within an original sugar warehouse. So we are a grade one listed museum. And you know, West India Docks in the 19th century was one of the most popular docks, was one of the busiest docks, in the busiest ports in the world. Our museum tells the history – not only of London and the River Thames was central to that – but it also tells the history of the River Thames and the history of shipping as well. So we're really fortunate to be based in this old sugar warehouse.

'Your 2012' 攝影展

The Museum of London Docklands was once a big sugar warehouse

Yang Li: And now you are very close to the Olympic Park.

Ashley: Yes, that as well, we are very close to the Olympic Park and being within Canary Wharf we have fantastic links to the East End. We've got the Crossrail coming in a few years' time. So it's a fantastic location to be in at this particular time.

Yang Li: Docklands 意思是碼頭,這個展覽館就坐落在倫敦東部著名的碼頭區中心,是由一家巨大食糖倉庫改建的。嗯,身臨其境真似乎回到了康拉德還有迪更斯的小說中。What is most fascinating to me is that it is surrounded by both the very old and the very new. 新老的結合。既有歷史的烙印 history, 又有新的環境 environment. 眼前的施工建設 construction 對東區產生著巨大影響 impact. Well, do come for a visit whenever you can! I certainly enjoyed it! Last but not least, a reminder: please get on the website www.bbcukchina.com for an audio slideshow of this very exhibition, Your 2012. Thanks for listening and see you next time! Bye!